Chapter 6

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The history classes were over, and the literature teacher was not there yet. Kazuo just entered the class, and heard the news that was spreading like wildfire. Keishi Fuchida, the most popular boy in the school, is going to ask Aki out today, and it seemed everyone was talking only about that.

His first reaction was to look at Aki, which he did in an instant. She didn't look flustered or bothered, but was rather cheerful and happy, her usual. Wait, could she be expecting it? - he thought. Could she be actually interested in Keishi? Would she now go out with him? Does she like him? How long had she liked that guy? Then what am I going to do? What about me?

He caught himself falling in his chain of thoughts, and snapped back. Just because she didn't look bothered doesn't mean that she is going to go out with Keishi. Though this reasoning was more like a excuse to calm himself down, which he couldn't seem to do.

Over all these years that he'd know her, that he'd wanted to be with her, he knew he lacked the confidence to ask her out, or even get a bit more closer to her. Given all that he had gone through, till now, and today, that confidence wasn't any higher either.

He didn't want to do it anymore. He had almost convinced himself of that.

Now he has to compete with Keishi?

It was the last nail in the coffin. There is no way he could do that! Keishi Fuchida was a tall athlete, the captain of the school football team. His scores were impeccable, both on the field and in the classroom. Not only that, he was also the only son the chairman of the biggest shipping company in the country, NHK Corporation.

This guy had everything. He had the looks. He had the smarts. And he had the money. If this guy was going to ask her out, Kazuo realized that his chances to get her just dropped to nothing. Zero. He shouldn't ask her out. Yes, it was all a bad idea. He was convinced of it now.

It didn't come slowly though, it was a swift realization that happened in seconds. The look on Kazuo's face was blank, yet somehow it looked more serious, more disturbed, as he took his seat. The teacher entered the room soon afterward.

It was the literature class, and the teacher was gleefully discussing the prose style of Japanese text in the medieval times. Some were listening attentively. Some were daydreaming. And then there was one who seemed completely absent.

Kazuo wasn't hearing any of the words, although from his face and posture you couldn't have ever reached that conclusion. He mind was lost, in thoughts, in questions, in despair. He wanted to share those ice creams with her again. He wanted to study with her again. He wanted to talk to her again. He wanted to have fun with her again. He wanted to be with her again. But that won't ever be.

To him, it was already lost. He wouldn't get back what they had together, ever. Now, all he could do was cherish those memories, however faint yet sweet they were.

Sitting in that chair, lost in his mind, there was just one wish he had, just one thing he hoped for. To get back what was lost all those years ago. To get back the company of the girl he had always admired the most.

He didn't even hear the bell ring, but somehow the words of the teacher reached him.

"Kazuo, can you please take these books back to the library? Umm... Take Aki with you. She knows where to place them there!" asked the teacher.

He took a few seconds to process what he had just heard. When he finally did, he turned cold. The timing of this request couldn't be any more odd, he thought. His eyes met those of his teacher's, who was still staring at him, wondering why he is looking shell-shocked and just standing at one place.

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