Chapter 3

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Valentine's Day - Schedule Of The Day. It said in bold letters on the top of the notice board.

Alright, so this is the day, he thought to himself, pulling his fingers together into a fist. Every year the school hosted a series of performances and events by cherry picking the best of individual students and teams. There were quite a few on the list this year. Fourteen, three more than the last year. The most common were dance performances, five of them. In addition, there were several game stalls, food stalls, and a few distinct in-class special games organized by the senior classes. After a gap of few hours, a ball dance that lasted half an hour was listed for only high school students, along with a show of fireworks that marked the end of the list.

He was looking for one specific thing - Aki's performance. She would be giving a song performance this day, Ai No Uta by Koda Kumi. Perhaps singing was her best talent, he thought. Or maybe she was better at studies? He pondered over that for a minute. He loved her voice. However, he had been missing her performances during the school festivals and competitions lately. How long had it been since he last heard her sing? A week? A month? Maybe even an year? He pouted.

It must be his part-time job, and the onus of a star student that have soaked up every single spare minute that he had these past months. Well, at least he won't be missing this one, and knowing that brought him a shy smile.

The big plan was that he would walk up to her backstage outside the preparation room when her performance was done. She was the sole singer today, and the music club would have only her in the room. It would be a good time he thought, alone, away from everyone else. When he can say to her what's been on his mind all these years, at long last.

He moved his eyes down the list from the top, and when they stopped, a frown masked his face. Why did it have to be this? The last performance of the day.

His plan crumbled immediately. It was no good anymore. After the last performance, there was a gap of a few hours before the ball, and everyone would disband to catch some fun at all the games and stalls. She would move out too with her friends. What would he do now? It was his best chance to have some time alone with her, and he couldn't think of any other occasion than the one which just evaporated. Deep down, he knew that he was more confident than himself from seven years ago, but his confidence was still shaky. Will he have to confess his feelings in front of everyone now? What if she said no? A cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

He was lost in his thoughts. No, not thoughts, doubts. Some dark enough to rock his conviction. Could there be any other way, any other method with which he can borrow her time, have her to himself for just a few minutes? He was busy solving this question in his head when his stream of thoughts was broken by a loud bell. It rung four times in a distinct melody. It has begun, the school day has officially started.

He couldn't be late to the class. It was hard work to create and keep the reputation of a respectable student in the eyes of the teachers. Something he has worked very hard to keep ever since he entered Osaka High. His steps quickened as he glanced at his watch. Eight twenty-nine. Just a minute left to the start of the first class, one hosted by the home room teacher. He was still on the first floor, and his class was on the fourth floor, class 3-A.

Along the way, he caught notice of the a great many gifts others had bought, and how charming every other guy looked. Was his box of chocolates enough? Should he had bought something else? Did he look good enough? Did he even measure up to the guys that looked so flawless? Was he good enough for her? What if she doesn't like his gift? What if she doesn't like him? Is he even doing the right thing? Was he out of his mind? He found himself in a slurry of thoughts once again.

Panting, he reached the class on time, or perhaps not. It was eight thirty one. He opened the door swiftly and moved towards his seat. Why hasn't the teacher arrived yet? She is very strict about time.

It bothered him a bit. If he knew she would be late, perhaps he could've kept himself sunk in his deep thoughts downstairs. Perhaps an answer could've come to him.

The room was full with chatter. Everyone was gossiping about who is going to confess to who. Not that it was unexpected.

Kazuo slowed a bit, fascinated by the glittering environment. He was about to take his seat, when two of his good friends, Seiki and Sojuro walked up to him, their face glowing with joy and expectation.

"Aren't you late than usual? You said you were going to come early today, didn't you?" said Seiki.

Seiki Mizuno was lean and athletic, and at six feet, a bit taller than Kazuo. Kazuo had known him since three years, an year less than he did Sojuro.

"Yeah. Well, I was still outside you see. I was just walking around the school, looking at all the preparations. It's an exciting day after all," said Kazuo, unwilling to admit the fact that he spent what seemed like hours in the front of the notice board, thinking about just one thing.

"It's very unlike you though. You usually are in the class ten minutes before everything starts. Anyway, I get your point. It's true. The entire school seems so alive today!" said Sojuro, breaking into a wide smile.

Seiki teased both of them, "So, don't you smart lads have someone special who you want to say something nice today? You know, convey your feelings?" He said the last words in a long monotone, wanting the words to take their full effect. He knew both of his buddies were quite bashful.

Sojuro replied first, "Listen, I don't want you to go around teasing me all day, so I am going to tell both of you right away, and don't you dare go around the school spreading it! It's Kuri."

"You mean Kuri Nakatsuka? The class rep of 3-B?"


"Woah! Since when did you had a crush on her?"

"For some time... Stop asking so many questions!"

"Alright, okay! Well, you have a strong chance you know. You're a good catch. There are so many girls in our class who like you."

Seiki wasn't wrong. Sojuro was the captain of the school's swimming team, and although he was a bit shorter than both, he looked jacked. He was good at studies, and was the drummer in the school band. His shy nature, given these facts, somehow made girls like him even more.

Sojuro blushed a little. Trying to get out of his pleasant unease, he pushed the question to Kazuo, "And what about you Kazuo? You have a girl in mind too?"

"Well... there is someone," Kazuo hesitated for a bit, "But I guess I'll tell you guys about it all afterward. I am really not comfortable with discussing it."

They both knew that Kazuo was the most timid of all three, and his timidity had somehow only grown over the years.

"Okay. It's your loss though. We could really help you out you know. You just have to tell us who it is and we'll make sure that the cute girl submits to our Kazuo," Seiki evangelized. He knew from experience that Kazuo wouldn't yield with regular tactics, so this offer would work best.

For a moment Kazuo thought that perhaps he should tell them its Aki. Tell them how he had always longed for her company ever since they grew distant all those years ago. Tell them how much it means to him, that she says yes. Tell them everything.

Then of course, there was this hesitation. Will they really acknowledge it? Or would they just laugh about it? She was now the most popular girl in the school after all.

As he was lost in his head, the door of the class opened gently, and everyone's gazed moved - the class rep, Aki Akagi. She came back from the teacher's room, and was heading towards the front of the class with a purposeful glide.

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