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Before starting this chapter I want to inform that I won't update further till I get minimum of 3 votes on each chapter. Please don't b ghost readers guys. Your votes and comments are prize of my hard work for me. So please vote and comment guys. Its nothing much to ask for and just takes 2 seconds to cast a vote. Please please please vote :)






I jolt my hand away from his grip and sit erect on the bed. After cursing myself with few words for touching his face in the first place, I get out of the bed and run to the bathroom.

Shutting the door behind me with a loud thud and turn on the shower. Letting the cold water cool down the sudden rush of heat all through my body.

This cannot happen to me. No. I'm letting him get over me. No Ciara. A lot of people have had a control over my life already. It took  a lot of hard work to get to this position and now I cannot let him or anyone in this world to let loose the weak, scared Ciara that has been locked at the back with all the faded memories.

I'm strong, very strong. I'm going to walk out like nothing happened. I'm going to ignore him just like I have been doing since the day I met him. He's nothing more than a disaster in my life.

I turn off the shower, wrap the towel robs around my body and walk out of the bathroom. He's still asleep on the bed like a small little cute kid. Fuck. When the hell I started using these words. Gross.

I walk to the closet, ignoring his presence in the room. Putting on the silk slip top and denim shorts, tying my hair into a bun I walk out and call out Mr. Haun to make me a cup of coffee. I sit back on the bed and slowly untie the stupid white piece of cloth wrapped around my wound because its all wet because of water. Fuck. This shit still hurts like hell. The piece of glass might have torn some sensitive vein in the foot.



I'm busy in cursing the stupid bandage and didn't notice the tall figure standing in front of me. he kneels down on the floor in front of me. Slowly pushing my hands away from the grip of bandage, he slowly unties the rest of bandage, making sure that it doesn't hurts. And it seriously doesn't hurt.

"As long as I'm here, you're my responsibility." His eyes dart towards me, his orbs now a darker shade of emerald green.

Longer I stare in his eyes, darker the shade of green becomes. Since first meeting, this is the day when his eyes don't pierce through mine. They are soothing, comforting.

"Yeah right. Just three days and after that I want your ass out of my house." I say breaking the gaze and relying on what I promised to myself just a few minutes ago.

While he's doing the bandage stuff, I enjoy the coffee that Mr. Haun served me.

"We're going out tonight. I have to show you a place."

"If I say no?"

"If you don't want me to throw you on my shoulder again and carry to the car, then okay." He's a fucking winner at mocking.

And again I'm left with no other option other than to agree with him.

the day passes quickly, whatever was left of the day, and the sun has started to dawn giving an orange appearance to the clear sky. Harry's helping me to walk to the car as if I'm a fucking child.

"Where are we going?" I ask putting the seatbelt into the lock.

"Its a surprise."

"I hate surprises."

"Still, I cannot tell, sorry." he presses his lips into a thin line and shrugs his shoulders that makes him even more annoying and adorable at the same time.

"are we there yet?" I've been asking this question sine last 45 minutes and I'm loving it. As much as I'm loving to annoy him, a part of me is excited to see where is his taking me. I'm interested to know what are his likes and dislikes are.

A sign board passes by the car and I realize we're driving out of the country.

"Out of the country?"

"You'll love that place. Trust me." Trust. Yeah right. A thing that I lost years ago.

After 4 hours of continuous boring car ride, He finally parks the car near a forest type area.

"You drove all the way here for a forest?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Its not just a forest. You'll see." He winks, that wink with his mocking smirk just pisses the hell out of me.

He climbs out from his seat and helps me to get on my feet. A small passage that leads to inside of the forest is lit up with dim lanterns. This place looks like as if it already had been planned to be decorated for someone's visit. Through the forest, after walking about nearly 100 steps, we reach to a lush green lawn with a small pond, all of this surrounded by big dark trees.

"Wow." Is the first word that comes out my mouth in a form of whisper. The whole place is lit up by the bright moonlight only making the water even more beautiful. I'm so lost in admiring the beauty and calmness of this place that I don't realise I'm standing alone here for the past 5 minutes.

Harry returns with 2 bottles, one vodka and another a normal beer. He hands the vodka bottle in my hand and the view is complete. Its my kind of place. Calm and fresh greens and a warmth of vodka.

"How did you know?"

"At Niall's house. He told me this was your favorite combination." He points first to the bottle and then to the surroundings.

" It is my favorite combination. Have you ever tried it?" I ask him as we place ourselves on a spot near the pond.

"That's why I'm here with this." He says raising the beer bottle. " I was keenly Interested to try this combination." I role my eyes and his lips form the smirk again, eyes squeezed and a small part of his upper jaw peeking out.

"How do you know this place?" I had to ask this question.

"My dad told me he used to bring my mom here and this is the place where he proposed her for marriage."

"You're not going to ask me out, are you?" please say no.

" No." thank god.

"I brought you here because this is what you like. And you were really pissed at me for what I did at the fashion show so I thought this is the perfect place to make it up." How does he takes everything so lightly?

I just smile and lay on my back to take this view, this place, this calmness into my senses.

"Have you even been in love?" Harry asks out of nowhere. Instead of replying a disgusting "no" I decide to play with him.

"Yeah. I have been."

"Oh." There's a sudden shift in his voice. I sit back up and there's an unreadable expression on his face.

"I still am" mocking him again, I say "truly, madly, deeply in love with me." My laughter couldn't be contained and his expression bursts it out.

He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. This made me laugh even harder. I know, its nothing that much to laugh but for some reason, I cannot stop it. Even my stomach has started to hurt but my laughter cannot be contained. Never thought I'd ever laugh this much in my life again.

Please. I beg of you, please do vote and comment... 3 votes for every chapter equals next update :) sorry. I know I'm being demanding but I feel really bad when I do hard work and don't get any praise in the form of votes and comments.. So please do it :)  and also keep following @/1DgirlDisha on twitter and @/fashionista_fanfic on Instagram for all information regarding the updates :)

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