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"Okay Milso that's you all done - well done, you've been a pleasure to look after.." Doctor Mingyu said with a huge smile on his face, he then put his hand out for me to shake but suddenly Hoseok came out from nowhere and slapped it away,

"Hoseok what the-" I said as I faced him with a confused look on my face stating that I wasn't too happy with what he did,

"Oh no worries, I wish you all the best Milso.." The doctor smiled as he waved goodbye and walked back into his office happily,

I smiled at him and soon after he left I turned back to face Hoseok with a frown on my face, why did he just slap he doctor?

"Jeez I'm sorry but I didn't want him to hurt you in anyway.." Hoseok mumbled as he walked away happily, leaving me standing like an idiot staring at him in a puzzled matter. I just brushed it off and ran after the protective Hoseok.. He was walking so fast that I couldn't properly keep up so I had to keep running after him, he just happily munched on his burger whilst he saw me running after him out of breath - he didn't even seem to care?

"Hoseok.. P-please.. Stop~" I panted as I toddled along side him tiredly,

"Oh come on.. You're meant to be fitter than that.. You're a dancer for God sake.." He said bluntly as he carried on pacing it through the crowded streets,

"Yes well I would've been fitter if I wasn't in a coma for four months hmm?" I replied in little gasps as I was so out of breath, he suddenly turned around to face me with a fed up look on his face.. Next thing I knew I was in his arms bridal style.. What the hell?

"Hoseok.. Are you alright?.." I snorted as I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows,

He was now inches away from my face.. It was very intimate,
"Well this is the only way you're going to keep up hmm?" He laughed as he looked at me lovingly - I felt as if he was treating me like a rag doll..

I just replied with laughter - I couldn't contain it.. He was being such a weirdo..
After what felt like hours of walking we finally made it home, I was greeted by huge hugs from my Mum and Dad and Hoseok was also invited in , which of course he didn't decline..

"You know Milso.. Hoseok has been super helpful whilst you were away.." My dad said proudly as he ruffled up Hoseoks hair just like a father would to a son,
I decided to just reply with a forced smile, I didn't know what to say..

"He has been amazing Milso.. Honestly.. Joo and the boys had loved having him around also.." My mum said as she nudged Hoseoks arm softly,
I could tell Hoseok felt a tad overwhelmed so he just sat there a little awkward and red faced as he faced the floor. Honestly I didn't know how to reply to a lot of these things so I just smiled happily,

"That's great guys.. I'm glad.. Thankyou Hoseok.." I said happily as I gave Hoseok a genuine smile, I could tell that he appreciated it as he then gave me his adorable little grin,

"Uh.. Please may I just talk to Mr and Mrs Woo in private quick Milso? It'll be super quick I promise.." Hoseok pleaded, he looked a little on edge so I decided to let him go ahead..


Once Milso had left I felt like the world was going to explode.. The thing I was about to say is something I've wanted to get off my chest for Awhile but I've never had the balls to do so..

"Mr and Mrs Woo.. I don't know how you're going to take this.." I said with a desperate voice as I fiddled with my hands awkwardly,

"Yes Hoseok.. Please just tell us otherwise we will be worrying.." Mr Woo said as he held my shoulder kindly,

I just took a huge breath and let it out..

"I think I'm falling in love with your daughter.."

Once I got that off my chest I decided to look up and have a look of what I've just caused. Both of their faces looked amazed.. They didn't seem sad which was a good thing, just speechless..

"Oh my Hoseok!!" Mrs Woo squealed, "I knew it! I thought you liked her.."

"I would happily accept for you to date my daughter.." Mr Woo stated in a calming voice,

The excitement and nervousness was rushing through me at this point.. I was so happy that Milsos parents accepted me but now the main thing to do is to actually tell Milso..

I looked at them both with glistening eyes, I thanked them and sprinted outside to see Milso slouched on the wall with her phone in her hands - she seemed to be texting Aeri, Hania and Boli already..


As Hoseok had basically stolen my parents I just decided to text the weirdos.. I don't know what we talked about honestly.. They basically filled me in on all the comebacks I've missed and all the news which was going around - I had missed so much oh my..
Turns out Sanha now has a girlfriend.. There's all my chances gone.. Ah I'm happy for him - he deserves to feel super loved,

"Milso!" The sudden voice startled me but when I saw Hoseok standing there with the biggest ear to ear smile it made me slightly less worried,

"Uh what have you done..?" I questioned with an arched eyebrow, I couldn't tell what emotion was rushing through him at this point - I thought he had killed my parents or something..

"I need to tell you something very important and I want you to promise me that you'll be serious.. Okay?.." Hoseok said super seriously as he looked at me with his fierce eyes, I was low key scared of him right now..
"I'm just going to tell you.." Hoseok sighed as he took a deep breath, "I'm falling for you Milso.."


I couldn't believe I was finally hearing this come out of his mouth.. He once told me when I was 'sleeping' but at the time I couldn't believe it.. But now?
I felt so happy and almost relived when he told me.. Does that mean I like him too?

"I- " I said trying to get my words to come out, "I think I like you too Hoseok.."

I said it
I did it
I can't believe I just said that

"Y-you do?.." Hoseok questioned with his eyes wide just like an owl,

I replied with a nod and I went to hug him but instead he planted his lips onto mine desperately.

This kiss was passionate. For once I let him kiss me and it was the most pleasurable thing to of witnessed..
I felt as if he was never going to let go of me, I was now 'his' and I think I may of just made him the happiest man alive,

"I love you Milso.."

"I hate you too Hoseok.."

And with that we went on to love each other for as long as possible.. For the moment anyway..

Thanku for reading this messy little book but I've enjoyed writing it sooo :)) Anywhooo~ pls get ready for my next book aye aye!!
Love from Mildred ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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