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Science went slow and so did the rest of the day. The whole day was boring me. And the worst thing was - when I get home I will have to face my mum who has actually returned from her 2 week holiday.. When she first left I thought she was only leaving for two days .. But no, 2 full weeks!
However, at the moment I'm currently sitting in music with Boli poking my face,
"Milsoo~" Boli lightly whispered , breaking me from my internal trance,
"Hmm?.." I hummed as I turned to face Boli,
"You're day dreaming again aren't you.." She sighed as she lent up straight folding her arms,
I just rolled my eyes and fell foward into my hands, my head now resting in my palms. I couldn't be bothered to do anything or talk for a matter of fact.. I'm starting to feel a little ill..
"MILSO! What did I just say?.." Mr Churchill beamed as he pointed his finger at me waiting for me to answer,
I wasn't the most confident person in the world so I just sat there, clueless.. My face was now starting to turn a little red at the fact the whole class was staring at me.. All of BTS were in the room, all the populars were in the room, all my friends were in the room and even some idols were in the room - I better not screw this up..
I sat up straight to face Mr Churchill, his face still showed his signature smile as he stared at me,
"Uh... Well you sa-" I began to say but got rudely interrupted,
"You said that this song has many different meanings, one being that the backstory of this was purely based on the heartbreak that he suffered in school and one being that his family got injured in the huge fire - this whole song is based on his anger and so with this he shares us his story.." Jimin quickly said as he butted in,
"Well yes that is correct, thankyou Jimin.. However I did ask Milso and I don't believe you are her?.." Mr Churchill said as he smiled at Jimin, "Ah it doesn't matter, Milso make sure you're listening next time."
There goes the bell meaning that it is finally time to leave this hell hole, thank god..
I was about to walk out the door but got pulled back by an unfamiliar hand.. Everyone was now out of the class and so now it left me with this stranger..
I turned around to see who the mysterious person was, it was Jimin.
"Yah Jimin!! What do you want? You scared me.." I said as I pushed his hand off of my wrist,
"I want you to stay away from Hoseok. You're causing him to get aggressive and over protective, I don't want to loose him again.." Jimin said as tears started to role down his cheeks,
"What are you on about? And loose him? You're not going to loose Him.." I said confusingly shooting him a concerned look,
"It's just he's turning into his old self with you around, he gets jealous and upset over stupid things.. Yes he's never been the happiest human but he was starting to build himself back up to how he was 7 years ago.." Jimin whimpered as he wiped away his tears from his puffy eyes,
What is he going on about? I'm not hurting anyone though..?
I decided to slowly walk backwards away from the crying Jimin making sure he didn't hear me leave but as I walked backwards I fell into a huge, muscular figure - I immediately turned around to be faced with Hoseok. His eyes looked down on me as if he was about to kill me, fire could be seen in his eyes..
"Jimin? Milso?.." Hoseok questioned as he scanned both of us intensely,
"Oh I was just talking to Milso, she just expressed her feelings for me.."
"WHAT? JIMIN NO I-" I was about to say but as I turned to Hoseok I just saw that he had already walked off..
Great... Way to make Hoseok feel better..
"JIMIN WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" I yelled as I turned to see a smirking Jimin,
"That my friend, was a way to get Hoseok away from you.." Jimin said as he walked away scowling at me with slitted eyes.
"PARK JIMIN..." I yelled trying to get his attention and to my surprise he actually turned around, "PLEASE TELL HIM THE TRUTH, I DON'T WANT HIM TO BE UPSET.."
"Well you should of thought about that sooner~"
And with that he left. I was standing in the music room alone.
It was now 4 o'clock which meant that it was already dark outside and I hate walking home in the dark.. I'll text Joo to see if he'll pick me up, he always worries when I'm alone..

Me - "JOO!!"


Me - "Pleaseeee can you come and get meee?~"

Jooheon - "Why? Where are you? Are you home?"

Me - "No I'm at school alone, and it's dark and cold and not nice so pleaseeee~"

Jooheon - "Okay I will be there in 5 mins, why are you so annoying?"

Me - "You love me really <33"

And in under 5 minutes he was there to pick me up, the joys of an older brother..
It was quite a quick journey home as I believe Jooheon was in a rush to get home to see Mum as she's basically neglected us for 2 weeks.
when we made it home we both rushed in to see our mother but of course she wasn't there, only a note was left..

Hello my sweeties,
I'm so sorry but I've been called to go to Australia for a month.. I know you haven't seen me but it's because I was in such a hurry and I had to leave as soon as I came home.
Much love,
Mum xxx

How could she do this to us again?
This time a month?
I turned to face Jooheon who had tears rolling down his cheeks, he couldn't cope and I could tell,
"Joo? It's okay I'm here~" I whispered as I hugged him close, I could feel him crying and his tears drop down my back - he was distraught.
"You're all I need at this point Mill~" Jooheon sighed as he wiped away his tears.
Tears started to escape my eyes but I sucked them up to look strong for my brother, I didn't want him to get anymore upset..

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