Chapter I

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"I'm not supposed to be here."

That was the only thing in Natsuki's mind. "What floor is this? The Third Floor? This isn't where I'm supposed to be! Why would there be any good clubs here?" She had read the flyer for the other clubs earlier, and most of them were listed for the First and Second floors. "This is ridiculous!" She thought. "I don't even want to join a club! Why am I going through all this effort for this?! Oh yeah, to 'Broaden my Horizons,' as my Dad put it." Natsuki's Dad had encouraged her to "Broaden her Horizons" by joining a club, but they both knew it was so he could get more time to drink without having to care for his child. While rushing through the crowd of kids swarming around her, she bumped into someone.

"Hey, you FUCK! Watch where you're--"

She froze. It was Monika, one of the most popular girls in school. She had just yelled at Monika! Natsuki expected a torrent of rage to be released upon her, but instead, Monika bent down and helped Natsuki pick up her books.

"Sorry. Where you headed?" Monika asked, calm as can be.

"I-I'm just looking to j-join a club..." Natsuki stammered, still nervous.

"Hey, I just started one! It's called the Literature Club! Would you be interested in joining?"

"W-Well, I d-don't really read th-that much, just Manga..."

As if she didn't hear her, Monika grabbed Natsuki by the wrist and ran down the hall. It was amazing how everyone respected her. They parted so that she may get through and closed behind her. Natsuki was having trouble keeping up, but finally they reached their destination.

"Ta-da! Behold, the Literature Club!"

Natsuki was hardly impressed. There were only two other girls in the room. One was wearing a big, red bow in her hair, and her eyes lit up as soon as she Natsuki. The other was taller and had Purple hair. As soon as she saw Natsuki looking at her, she looked down and pulled out a book, clearly embarrassed.

"HEYYY! Monika, you found a new member!" Said the girl with the bow.

"Hey, I'm not a member of your club yet! I haven't--"

Natsuki was cut off by the girl with the bow vigorously shaking her hand. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Sayori!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement. The other girl raised her hand in Natsuki's general direction, as if she was trying to wave. "H-Hi....I'm Yuri..." she mumbled. She quickly returned to her book.

Monika turned back to Natsuki. "I really think you would like our club! We don't have a ton of members, but we're still a warm and loving community!"

"Well, uh..." Natsuki pondered this. This club was lame and boring. One of them clearly had trouble even speaking to other people! Who would want to join this club?

"Wait..." Natuki thought. That's it! Who would want to join this club? No one! If she joined the club, she wouldn't have to talk to anyone! She wouldn't have to do any stupid projects or attend any meetings! All she would have to do is... what, read a poem once in a while? Piece of cake! And the rest of the time, she could just read Manga!

She made up her mind. "I'm joining the literature club!"

Sayori was ecstatic. "HUZZAH!!" She bounced around the room while Yuri continued to bury herself deeper in her book. Natsuki knew she was going to have a good time here.

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