Chapter IX

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Yuri had recently purchased a large, blank banner for this very purpose. They had all the space in the world to write on, but they couldn't think of what to put on it. "Maybe we" Yuri trailed off. Natsuki didn't have any ideas, either.

Then, an idea.

"I have an idea!" Yuri exclaimed.

"What?" Natsuki inquired.

"We should make it a rainbow! People love rainbows!"

"Huh, I never would've thought such a colorful idea would've come from you, Yuri." Natsuki smirked.

"Well, uh... you know." Yuri said, slightly chuckling.

Yuri didn't care if it was a good or bad idea. She was just glad it was an idea. She imagined Natsuki felt the same way. Then again, she imagined that for a number of things...

They began coloring the rainbow. Eventually they added a waterfall as well. It was decided it would become a rainbow waterfall. Regardless of how odd it was, the end result looked very nice. The odd thing was they barely spoke due to how concentrated they were on the banner. Yuri was coloring when she noticed Natsuki's hand coloring the same spot. She looked up to discover her face mere inches away from Natsuki's. She almost jumped back, but instead she froze.

"Uh...hi." Yuri said.

They slowly backed away from each other. Yuri did not want to forget it, in fact she almost enjoyed it, but she decided to act like it never happened.

When the Rainbow-Waterfall Banner was done, they folded it up and stored it with Natsuki's cupcakes.

"What do you want to do know?" Yuri asked, more confident than ever around Natsuki.

"I don't know. Play a game, maybe? Do you have any video games or board games?"

"Not many video games, just a Playstation 2 with a few games... I have a plethora of Board Games though."

"Let's play a board game, then." Natsuki decided.


A while later, Natsuki and Yuri decided to play Risk, a game where you commanded an army trying to take over the world. Yuri was decisively better at it than Natsuki, likely because of how many times Yuri had played it compared to Natsuki. Yuri won when she finally captured Greenland. "Damn, you're good at this! You must play pretty often." Natsuki noted.

"Well, not THAT much, not anymore. I used to play with my grandparents all the time, but then..." Yuri trailed off.

"I'm...sorry, about that." Natsuki said, regretting saying anything.

"No, don't worry about it. It's... it's okay..."

There was a good minute of silence following this. Yuri was the one who broke it.

"Wanna play another game?" she asked.

"No, I'm good for now. What else is there to do?"

"Well... we could always..." Yuri trailed off. Neither of them knew what to do.

"Should I go...?" Natsuki asked.

"No, I'm gonna be bored anyway. I'd rather be bored with someone else, especially someone I l-" Yuri stopped herself. Before Natsuki could say anything, Yuri ran off. "I'm gonna go watch TV!"


Yuri turned on the TV. The news was on. She checked, and nothing good was on, so she left it. Natsuki slowly came up the stairs.



"I have a question..."

"A...Asks away..." Yuri said, secretly afraid of what Natsuki was going to ask.

"What were you going to say back there?"

"Um...someone I... like... Like as a friend!" Yuri thought that was a bad save, but it was a save nonetheless.

"Oh... of course. That makes sense."

Yuri could tell Natsuki was relieved. She came over to the couch and sat next to her. She leaned on Yuri like last night. Yuri wasn't entirely certain of what to do. Was this weird because of what just happened? They couldn't fall asleep like this, it was only 1:00. They sat their, uncertain, in a state between cuddling and not, for a while until Yuri turned the channel to movie that was on TV. The movie was called "I love Mary." It was about a blind woman who finds her true love with a horrendously ugly man. The concept was cheesy, but both of the girls enjoyed it. After it was over, Yuri got up. "Where are you going?" Natsuki asked. Yuri responded with, "I'm making popcorn. It's a movie marathon!"

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