Empty House

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I slowly sat up from my bed as my laptop slipped off of my lap. I was silent as I listen for a sound. I heard nothing. I closed my laptop and began to stand up. I turned the knob to my door ever so slightly and swung it open. I peered down the hall. All the lights were off. I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight. I shined it onto Phil's room, his blankets all a mess but he was nowhere to be seen. I tiptoed down the hall waving the flashlight back and forth. I heard nothing. I got to the lounge and flipped on the light switch. No one was in there. I turned off my phone flashlight and went into the calling app. I clicked Phil's name and rang him. I was silent for a few seconds as it rang. All of a sudden I heard his ringtone coming from the other room. I ran to find it. His phone was sitting on the counter. I hung up. I glanced at his phone to see a text that had just come in. There was no contact for the number and I didn't recognize it. I tried to stop myself from reading the text but it was already too late. "I'm here" it read. My heart stopped for a moment. I was confused. I ran into Phil's room and opened his laptop. He was signed into my Twitter account. There was a pre- typed post ready to be published. It read: "Hello internet, I have realized something. The whole reason I even got started on YouTube and gained all this popularity was because of Phil and I don't think I've given him enough credit. It's really unfair that he's been doing YouTube longer than I have but I have more subscribers. I've tried to encourage more of my subscribers to subscribe to him but it just hasn't been working out like I planned. With that being said, there is only one thing left to do. I am giving Phil my YouTube channel. This is something I have been thinking about for quite some time and this is my final decision. This is the only thing that will clear my conscience so please don't try to stop me and do not mention it. Goodbye internet, it's been fun." I couldn't believe what I was reading. My breathing got heavier and I could here my heart beating in my ears. I deleted the post and signed out of my Twitter. I searched YouTube and saw that my account was opened. There were unsaved changes on the account waiting to be published. The name was changed to "FinallyPhil" and the profile picture and banner were just black. I discarded the changed and signed out of that too. All of a sudden I heard the door slam behind me. It was much too close to be the front door. No no this was Phil's door.
To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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