Chapter 29

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I open my eyes as I feel a head on my tummy. My gaze drifts down as I see Jorge laying peacefully on me. I smile and slowly get my phone. I make a picture of him and post it.

"Amor en el aire" I say in the caption. Immediatly a lot of likes and comments appear. Jorge is famous which makes me famous as well.

"Cute!", "Lovies", "Hermoso", "I love you and Jorge with all my heart!", "OMG he is to adorable"

I read all the comments and smile. His fans are so sweet and nice, they make me smile.

I stroke Jorge's hair as his eyes flutter open. He looks up at me and gives me a warm smile. "Check your instagram" I whisper softly as his eyes widen. He quickly gets his phone and scrolls over some picture.

When he reaches my picture he stares at it for a while. His face doesn't give any expression as I still smile. "Do you like it?" I feel myself getting nervous now.

He ignores me and stans up. He walks to the bathroom as I quickly folliw him. He stands in front of the mirror and starts doing his hair. I grab his hands and pin them on his own waist with my hands on top of his hands.

"Please don't be mad at me, I'm sorry" I whisper in his left ear. He intertwines his fingers with mine. A smile appears on my face as he suddenly turns around.

"I was just messing with you precious, I love the picture and the caption" I leave his hands and slap him playfully. "Last night was amazing" His voice gives me shivers. He plants a kiss on my lips as I giggle.

"I know" I give him a million kisses all over his face. He chuckles and pushes me out of the door. "Now I need to shower" He says and locks the door. I smile and walk slowly to the bed.

Love can break you.
Love can ruin your life.
Love can make you feel horrible.

But true love can fix you.
True love can make you smile.
True love will make you happy.

And Jorge is my true love. He takes care of me, makes me smile, makes me feel special, helps me in every way and most important, he loves me. I smile at the picture I made from Jorge.

His messy hair, his head on my tummy and his peaceful smile. Jorge comes out in his clothes. "Now it's your turn, dress up nicely because we are going to the movie and then we are going out for lunch." He pushes me softly into the bathroom as I giggle again.

I wash myself and dress up in one of my favorite dresses. It's a short pink dress with beautiful details. I walk out as Jorge's eyes are fixed on me. I blush hard as he doesn't stop staring.

"Y-you- I-I-" He tries but doesn't find the right words to speak. I giggle a bit as he still struggles speaking. "Beautiful" Are the final words he breaths out.

"You can try to talk handsome" I tease him as he finally relaxes.

"You just look so stunning" A red colour appears on my cheecks again as he strokes my cheecks.


"Which movie are we watching?" I have asked him a million times but he doesn't want to answer.

"Have patience precious" My smile fades as we walk into the cinema. "I am going to buy the tickets, you sit there" He points at a table with 2 chairs. I sit down at one chair as Jorge walks somewhere to buy the tickets.

Another guy walks to me and sits down on the other chair. "Hey gorgeous" He starts as I laugh a bit. "Why are you so alone here?" He asks flirting.

"I am-" But the guy cuts me off.

Why do guys always cut me off!?

"Don't worrie, I will take you to a movie"

"Why do guys never let me talk! I wanted to say that I am not alone, I am here with-" I suddenly hear a voice behind me, finishing my sentence.

"Me, so get lost" I stand up and hug Jorge tight. The boy walks away as I smile. "I'm sorry again Jorge, he didn't let me speak." I say in Jorge's ear.

"It's okay, don't worrie. Let's go" He grabs my hand. We buy some popcorn and something to drink. He takes me into the room as I see the name of the movie.

"But Jorge! This is horror!" I say stubborn. He chuckles and just walks to our seats. I sit down next to him angrily.

"Just jump in my arms if you're scared"

That is what he wanted.

I giggle as the movie starts. At every scary moment I jump into Jorge. I probably broke all his bones by now. The movie finishes as I quickly stand up and walk out. Jorge follows me and grabs my hand carefully.

"Next time we are watching something else" I say strictly as he chuckles. We walk to a restaurant as I smile bright.

"Here we are" We sit down and order our food.

"Thank you handsome, for this morning and this lunch." He pecks my lips quickly as the food arrives.

"I asked the girls to come to our hotel this afternoon. You can have some fun with them, I am going to Ruggero and Facu." He says as we finished our food. I nod as we stand up. He brings me to the hotel and then walks off.

"Tinita!" I see Cande, Lodo, Tris and Mechi sitting on the bed. They run to me and hug me tight.

"Thanks girls, for the party yesterday" They all smile bright.

"Don't thank us, your boyfriend thought of it." Mechi says smirking.

"He is the sweetest" I conclude as all the girls smirk at me.

"Did you two ever, you know, did it?" Mechi finally asks as they all come closer to me.

"Girls" I sigh at them. I sit down on the bed as they sit next to me.

"Come on! Just tell us!" Cande says hopefully.

"Okay, okay, we... did it" I finally say as they all look at me shocked.

"OMG! When? Where? How was it?" Lodo squeels happily as all the girls start screaming.

"Shhh, I will tell you guys if you calm down." They all shut their mouths and sit quietly next to me. "Well, yesterday when you guys all went to your own apartment I wanted to clean up. Jorge said that I shouldn't clean up on my birthday. Then I just kissed him and we kinda went on from that" I explain nervously as they all smile bright.

"That is all I am going to tell you" I finish off as they pout at me.

"You just slayed it girl" Tris suddenly squeels which makes us all laugh.

"Different topic" I say, still laughing. "What about watching a movie!" I squeel excitedly. They all start screaming from excitement.

<Has any of you seen the movie Pitch Perfect?>

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