Chapter 34

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"Y-you are?" He looks at my teary face.

"Y-yes, and I know that it will ruin your career so I don't know if you-" I start rambling about him and our baby but he cuts me off.

"This is amazing!" He lifts me up in his arms and spins me around. A light giggle escapes my mouth as he puts me down again.

"Do you really like it?" I look at him, smiling now.

"Yes, yes of course!" His whole face shows off happiness. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you have a career now Jorge. And with a baby it will be hard to go on tour and to do all those shows. Your fans will be dissapointed again." I explain as he nods his head.

"To be honest, I didn't think about that. I know I have fans who count on me, I can't let them down. But the most important thing is that I have you and our baby, that we are going to be a family." I smile at his words. I hug him tightly and cry on his shoulder, from happiness this time.

"I love you so much Jorge"

"And I love you! For how long do you know that you are pregnant?" His eyes find it's way into mine.

"This morning, I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. Then I went to the hospital with Cande to make sure that I was pregnant or not. Cande helped me to get the courage to tell you" He shows off his dimples while smiling bright.

He presses his lips carefully on mine. His lips taste like a piece of heaven, me not wanting to lose it. We both enjoy our lips touching while knowing that we are going to be a family. After some time we seperate and just stare at each other.

"You can't imagine how happy I am" His arms wrap around my tiny body as he hugs me tight. After a while we both realease from the hug. "We should invite all our friends, and my parents to tell them." I nod happily as we both grab our phones.

"Hey Mechi!" I squeel happily through the phone. Jorge walks out to call the boys and his parents.

"Hey girl! What's up?" Her voice is happy as always.

"Can you come to my house? I need to tell you and the rest something!"

"Yeah! I'll be there in a bit!" I hang up the phone and call Tris, Lodo and Cande as well. Cande already knows but she should come, than we can celebrate.

I walk downstairs and see Jorge still calling. After some timehr hangs up and walks to me. "They are coming in a few minutes" I can still see that Jorge is pale. He isn't better yet.

A few minutes past as the doorbell rings. I walk to the door and see Candr and Ruggero. Behind them I see the rest. Some look worried, some are smiling. I let everybody in as Jorge puts drinks and snacks on the table.

"Thanks for coming" Jorge says and greets everyone.

"We have to tell you guys something" I say and see Jorge nervously playing with his hands.

"Is it something bad?" Jorge's mother asks worried.

"No, no it's something wonderful" I see Jorge still standing next to me, not saying anything. "Well Jorge and I, we are going to be parents" I look at everyone's faces.

"That's great!" Lodo runs to me and hugs me tight. I laugh and hug her back. All of our friends congratulate me and Jorge. Jorge still didn't say anything to anyone, he just hugged them and smiled a bit. There is definitely something wrong.

I look over to Jorge's parents who are smiling. "Congratulations Martina, we are happy for you two" Jorge's father hugs me and hugs Jorge as well. His mother just smiles bright and hugs us both. As Jorge's mother releases from the hug Jorge still haven't said anything.

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