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When Noah eventually arrived home that she night, he was met with the faces of his worried parents answering the door as soon as he rang the bell. He felt a strong sense of guilt as he took in their worried appearances, and gave them a quiet apology whilst staring abashedly at the floor.

Eventually they sat down for a talk, hot mugs of tea in from of them, and Noah decided to follow Casimir's advice and be straightforward with them.

Noah had to credit Casimir- in this instance, honesty really did seem like the best road to go down. Much to his surprise, Noah's parents seemed to understand where he was coming from and actually took what he said into consideration.

As he trekked up the stairs to go to his room later that night, Noah couldn't help but silently thank Casimir. He had a hopeful feeling that things would start to change for the better around here, and he had Cas to thank for that.

The one negative that had come out of the little chat was that Noah's parents expressed their concern that he was spending too much time with Cas.

Noah found this a bit absurd, considering how often the two of them hung out before the accident. But at the same time he understood their argument that he hadn't been spending much time with them, and that they missed him.

Noah couldn't help but feel bad that he had been neglecting spending time with them, but it was almost like he didn't have a choice.

He was drawn to Casimir, like a moth to a flame. But Casimir was so much more than a flame, he was the whole damn fire.

But Noah decided he had to be more adamant. He couldn't count on Casimir to be his only form of human contact for the whole summer. By the time he went back to school in September he wouldn't be at Casimir's side 24/7, so the sooner he got used to the concept of time apart, the better.

He decided against sending Casimir a text to explain the situation, not wanting to come across as clingy. Instead he just chose not to text Casimir to make plans for the next day as he had every other night, instead just sending him a short text as a thanks for the advice.

Setting his phone back down on the desk, he changed into some comfier clothes before joining his parents downstairs for a movie.

"What did you pick?" His mother asked, curled up next to her husband on the couch, a blanket over them and a glass of wine in her hand.

"Erin Brockovich." Noah replied with a small smile, pulling the well worn DVD case off the shelf above the television.

"Don't we have a ban on that?" His dad asked with a laugh, referring to the ban they had put on watching Erin Brockovich after Noah chose it for every single movie night.

"We'll let him off for tonight Michael, the poor boy hasn't seen it in six months." His mom said, her eyes sparking with amusement as she stood up from the couch.

"Actually, one of the nurses gave me a copy." Noah admitted to his dad with a small laugh when his mom momentarily left the room to make some popcorn.

"Don't mention that to your mother," His dad replied with an amused grin.

Noah couldn't help but grin back. He always suspected his dad had a secret soft spot for this movie.

"What are you two boys laughing at?" His mom asked from the doorway, hands on her hips and her head cocked to the side.

"Nothing at all dear." Michael sung over his shoulder, sending Noah a wink as his wife gave him a light snack to the back of the head with a tea towel.

"One of these days I'll leave you Michael, and you'll regret every lying to me." She warned, coming back into the room with a steaming bowl of popcorn in her hands.

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