n i n e

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Noah froze.

Casimir laughed, the soft sound filling the air. "Next question." He teased, snapping Noah out of his reverie.

"Next question? What do you mean next question?" He demanded, still not fully able to comprehend what was going on.

"I mean, it's time for the next question." Casimir said with a laugh, and Noah​ shot him an incredulous look.

"You're joking right?"

"Why would I be joking?" Casimir asked innocently, leaving Noah speechless.

"Because- because-.." He spluttered, unable to form a coherent sentence. "Jesus Cas, you can't just say shit like that and expect me to ignore it!"

"Who said anything about ignoring it?" Cas said, voice low and even.

Noah stared at Cas, dumbfounded. Casimir was hitting him with a whole range of mixed signals, and Noah's brain was fried.

"But you.. you just.. you said next question-?" He struggled, throwing his hands up in the air with confusion.

He was so overwhelmed with emotion and questions, his mind struggled to comprehend what was happening.

"Who said anything about ignoring it?" Casimir repeated, leaning in and bringing his face dangerously close to Noah's. His voice dropped even lower, a feat Noah hardly thought possible.

"What are you doing?" Noah breathed, unable to stop his eyes from trailing down to Casimir's lips where they stayed rooted, unable to tear them away.

"What does it look like?" Casimir replied, and Noah could feel the other boy's warm breath on his lips.

This must be what heaven felt like.

Noah opened his mouth to say something else, but was cut off by Casimir. Or, more specifically, by Casimir's lips.

Noah momentarily froze in shock, before realizing what was happening and melting into the kiss. Cupping his hands behind Casimir's neck, he pulled the other boy closer to him.

Casimir's hands found their way around Noah's waist, and Noah was sure he was going to burst. Everything was so warm. His skin tingled, and it was as if all his senses had been heightened. He could feel everything, feel everything so clearly. Casimir's touch burned onto his skin, and he became hyper aware of every movement, every sound, every touch.

He only pulled away when he needed to breath, reluctantly pushing back from Cas. He rested their foreheads together, not wanting to be completely without the other boy's touch.

He breathed heavily, looking up at Cas through dazed eyes. "What was that?" He asked when eventually managed to catch his breath.

"A kiss." Casimir replied simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I know that Cas. But why?" Noah questioned, his face still dangerously close to Casimir's.

"Because I wanted to." Cas spoke quietly, close enough that Noah could feel the words as well as hear them.

"Do you.. do you like me?" Noah asked hesitantly.

Casimir let out a soft laugh, bringing his hand up and running his fingertips gently along the side of Noah's face. Noah involuntarily shivered at the touch. "I don't just tend to kiss people when I don't like them."

"But you're straight." Noah spluttered, flustered at Casimir's admission.

Casimir snorted, regarding Noah with a look. "Clearly not."

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