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"I haven't seen your parents in a while." Noah said casually, as a means of broaching the subject of Casimir's family without coming across too straightforward.

Cas looked up at him from the shelf of DVDs he was crouched at without saying anything. After a couple of seconds of silence he shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

The clock on the wall showed the time was inching close to eleven o'clock, meaning that Cas had been over for four hours and Noah hadn't yet managed to get any answers out of him.

They were currently deciding on a movie to watch (Casimir had point blank refused Erin Brockovich). The massive pile of junk food had moderately lessened, Noah surprising himself by managing to find his appetite again after earlier.

"Or Sam for that matter." He pushed further, referencing Casimir's brother who was younger than them by just a year. He kept his voice neutral, being careful not to sound too suspicious in case Casimir realized what he was doing.

"Yeah.." Cas trailed off awkwardly, rubbing the back off his neck. Noah perked up at this— maybe Sam was a viable lead.

"How's he been doing?"

"Sam? He's.. yeah he's good." Casimir said, and Noah opened his mouth to probe further but Cas spoke up before he could. "How about 21 Jump Street?" He asked, holding up the DVD for Noah's approval.

"Suits me." Noah shrugged, secretly irked at having his investigation cut short.

Casimir pushed the disc into the player before jumping up onto the bed beside Noah. Under normal circumstances, Noah would have spent the whole time secretly freaking out and trying to play calm with Cas sitting so close next to him, but tonight his mind was elsewhere.

He was too distracted by the whole situation to really get excited when his arm brushed of Casimir's when they both reached for popcorn from the bowl in between them at the same time.

He went over the facts in his head. He had been in some kind of accident or conflict. He couldn't remember it, but his parents and Casimir knew what happened. They wouldn't tell him, but that part was doctors orders. Casimir hadn't been to see him during his six month stint in hospital, and there was a legitimate reason for that that Noah had yet to find out.

This is where he had to start speculating. Casimir's family may have had something to do with it. Casimir's mother was quite possibly sick. Noah hadn't seen or heard of Casimir's dad. Was he the one involved in all of this?

And then there was Sam, Casimir's brother. This one was a new lead, but perhaps an important one. Cas clammed up when the subject was approached. Was Sam okay? Had he been injured in the accident? Had he caused the accident?

But what if all of this was just speculation. Maybe the Daniels family had nothing to do with it at all, and this was all just a conspiracy that Noah had created in his own head.

He didn't know if that thought was more relieving or worrying.

Noah was so lost in his own world that he didn't notice Cas glancing at him until the other boy paused the movie and turned to face him.

"You're not into this." Casimir observed. It wasn't a question.

"Sorry, just distracted." Noah replied, smiling sheepishly.

"Everything okay?" Casimir asked, brows furrowed in concern.

"Yeah. No. I don't know- just thinking I guess."

"Anything I can help with?"

Noah paused.

"What happened the day of the accident?"

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