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"What time will your folks be home?" Cas asked, flopping himself down on the couch cushion next to Noah.

Noah glanced over at him before answering. "Not for another while yet. At least five or six hours, probably longer."

"Nice one." Cas commented, pulling the lever and extending the leg of the chair out into a recliner. "What do you wanna do?"

Noah could think of plenty of things he'd like to do with Cas while they were home alone, but none of them he could say aloud.

"Movie?" He suggested, fighting a faint blush as he pushed down his inappropriate thoughts. He thanked the dim lighting in the room for keeping his secret hidden.

"Ugh, I'm sick of movies." Cas complained, throwing his he'd back.

"How can you be sick of movies?" Noah mused.

"I just am," Cas shrugged. "I want to do something real life, not just watch a fake story."

"Documentary then?" Noah joked, earning him an unamused glare from Cas.

"Very funny Noah. Ever consider being a comedian?" Casimir deadpanned, running a band through his silver hair.

"Someone's feeling particularly sarcastic today." Noah said with a laugh. Casimir always looked so cute when he was in a little sulk.

"Sorry, just tired." Cas said, yawning on cue as if to illustrate his point.

"Everything good?" Noah asked, brows furrowed with concern. It was unlike Cas to be actually put off about something.

"Yeah, just had a long night."

A long night? "Oh. Oh." Noah said, realization dawning on him. A long night.

"Yeah." Said Casimir, running his thumb along the inseam the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Noah asked, fighting to keep his voice level. In the last couple of months, he had managed to convince himself that Casimir didn't really date girls anymore. Deep down he knew the truth, but it hurt a lot more to hear it out loud.

"The lucky girl?" Cas questioned, face turning towards Noah. His brows were furrowed and his expression filled with confusion.

"Yeah.. long night you said?" Noah questioned, wondering if Casimir was being purposely oblique.

"Ohh." Casimir said, realization hitting him them. "No, not like that Noah." He said, bursting out with a laugh.

"Not like that?"

"There was no girl. I just couldn't sleep." Casimir chuckled, and instantly a huge weigh lifted off Noah's stomach.

"Oh." Noah said, trying to keep his relief out of his voice.

"Yeah." Casimir said quietly, and Noah suddenly became a lot more aware of how close they were sitting.

"I just thought.." Noah trailed off, his voice barely more than a whisper. They were so close now, close enough that Noah was sure Cas would be able to hear his heart pounding.

"No. I wouldn't." Casimir breathed out, and a silence coated the room.

They stared into each other's eyes, and Noah could swear that time froze in that very moment. There was no one else in the universe, just him and Casimir. The ticking clock was the only indication that time hadn't completely ceased.

The air was heavy with words left unsaid, but not all things need to be spoken aloud to be heard.

"You wouldn't?" Noah asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

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