Chapter two: First of her name

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' His soul had known hers,

Lifetimes ago '

Chapter two: First of her name

The shuttle lowered slowly at the opening of the patio behind the royal palace, with the door opening wide and the gleam of Gaia's face; it left nothing but whispers and wondering eyes and a half dissatisfied look on Moran's face.

"Gaia - what brings you to Asharn?" Moran asked casually, "I thought most runaways don't return home,"

"That is very true," Gaia said almost too certain. "But, I am not like any ordinary runaway." Moran rolled his eyes nonchalantly, and with a swift and graceful wave of his hand, dismissed his eagle-eyed subjects and demanded the doors to be opened.

"I see you still look the same," he observed, "like a filthy little street rat."

Gaia pulled up her thick matted hair and sighed. "That filthy little street rat is your cousin... or should I say- your sister?" Moran turned to glare at her, the apples of his cheeks flushed red with an anger that Gaia found so hard to forget.

"Must we discuss the darkest chapters of our family history?" Moran began.

"No. But, we ought to discuss the new chapter that you're currently writing, Moran,"

"Ah!" He laughed. He then realised why Gaia had returned so abruptly to Asharn without word after all these years. It was Anila's wedding that she had been concerned with, Moran smirked.

"How could you do this to her?" Gaia said frowning, "she's only a child, and you're giving her away like she comes cheap whore to that monster of a man!"

"Anila is not a child, Gaia, she is nineteen - a fully grown woman. She will soon learn that what she's doing would benefit our family for generations! Always do what's best for the family - my father said that."

Gaia nodded. "I know what he said- but what possessed you to come to this?" She asked. They remained silent for a moment. "What did he offer you, Moran? Warriors? Land? Money? Weapons? How low did you have to swoop to sell your own flesh and blood?" She taunted.

"Will you lower your voice!" Moran shouted in a way that sounded more of a roar. His veins pierced out at the sides of his temples, his chest heaved uncontrollably and his jaw tensed as his teeth gritted. He stood so tall he towered over her, and that alone let Gaia know better not to persist on with the matter.

"I understand your concern for my sister, but I am doing what is best for her- Killmonger may be the vicious Golden Jaguar that he is, but I know he will protect Anila..." he trailed off, thinking a while till they came to a stop. He turned to her quickly, his expression softened.

"I am also doing what is best for Asharn - as its king," Gaia folded her arms over her chest, displeased. "I have thought this through Gaia-"

"-I don't think you have. I think you're playing this as a game, and someone is going to end up hurt in the end."

"A game I know very well how to play. You see Gaia - only one of us knows that when you're eating with the Bonsam, you use a very long spoon."


The bedmaids scurry quickly out of Anila's chamber before she could ever utter a single word to them. Disappointed and somewhat saddened that she was forced to be alone, she rose from the chair and started toward the large window. She narrowed her eyes slightly, despite being in Wakanda for more than a week, she hadn't gotten used to anything. She loved her home, and missed the sense of certainty for comfort she had when being there. But now, she didn't feel like the lioness she was so used to being, but more like a gazelle - vulnerable in another man's land.

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