Ch2: Set in Motion

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Location: Riker's Island Prison

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Location: Riker's Island Prison

One Month Earlier

Along the outskirts of Queens, positioned on the east river, lay the infamous prison known as Riker's Island, home to many dangerous criminals. With such new additions such as Mac Gargan, have been seeking to buy some new alien tech, and because of it, inevitably ended up getting caught. Or in his mind, it was completely due to the Spider-pest's interference. Having to deal with intimidating criminals throughout his entire life, he never thought he'd be taken down due to a spandex wearing clown, and he couldn't stand for it, not even after almost a year of having been caught. Mostly due to the fact that most of the inmates knew about this fact and now considered him as a pansy, resulting in him and quite a lot of them getting into brawls. It would have been better to be taken in by the Fed's but unfortunately, that was not the case. For the entire time spent within the confines of the maximum secured facility, he plotted with a seething malice toward the Spider.

Which is why Mac walked across the courtyard of the prison during their daily breaks outside, toward the benches where a large set man sat, reading a book. He was surrounded by three other men, those who had sworn their loyalty to the large man sitting in the middle of the benches. They instantly stood when they saw Mac approaching, like dogs ready to defend their master. Mac didn't let them faze him, he had fought several men ever since entering the prison. Instead, he focused on the man reading and called out, smugly, "Wilson Fisk." The man looked up from his book, finally deciding to acknowledge Mac. "Or do you prefer to go by Kingpin," Mac lifted his arms pointed out to him.

The man known as Kingpin gave a small corner smirk, barely visible before closing his book. "Fisk will do. And you are."

"Mac Gargan." He answered strongly.

"What is it you want Gargan- you do want something. There would be no other reason for you to disturb my reading if you didn't need anything." He held up his book, showing him that he was preoccupied before getting interrupted. He wasn't a man to be interrupted for idle chat.

"I heard that you are the man to come to when you want to get into contact with the outside."

"I am." He breathed out. "However, you have to give a compelling argument for why I should consider helping you."

"I wanna get rid of the pest that got me landed here."

"Don't we all," Fisk said bored of the conversation. "I heard these millions of times, stop wasting my time." Fisk men went to make a move on push Mac away, the three men spreading to surround him.

"The Spiderman! I want to get rid of SpiderMan," Mac said in a hast. Pin closed his book once again before looking up at the man, pin's men had already stopped advancing also looking at Pin. "I think that's what he goes by. I want to get rid of him and I got contacts on the outside to help me, I just need to get in touch with them." Kingpin stood up from his seat, easily towering over all the men there, as he approached Mac. "They have a bunch of alien techs that could easily take him down. They have lots more stored up, I know they do," Mac rushed out his words, completely frightened by the approaching man. The other inmates were one thing, but Fisk was known to have inhuman strength. He should know, he witnessed it during their time in the cafeteria when one idiot man decided to go up against him. The man would have been killed in it wasn't for the guards stepping in and tasering them both. The tasers didn't bring Fisk down, he went down on his own. "In fact, their former boss is also locked up here. The Spiderman also got him put here. Rumor is he knows the Spider's identity but he denied it."

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