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(Nicole's POV)
Maddy's fallen fast asleep on my shoulder after only one Riverdale episode. Erin came in soon after Maddy fell asleep and we filled her in on all the drama. None of us are mad at Maddy and we understand the fact that it was a mistake and that she wasn't even dating Andy.
"Abbie, Erin, can we go to bed now?" I asked.
"Yeah did you take out the puppies recently?" Abbie asked.
"Yup." I said popping the "P". I picked up Maddy bridal style and took her into our room, gently placed her on her bed, and pulled the covers over her. I giggled a little because I felt like I had a little child.
(Mikey's POV)
Brook was fast asleep and so was Jack. It's dark out so I've been wondering where the rest of the boys are for the last hour. I decided to text Rye to see if they're alright and he replied straight away saying that he's on his way up.
(Andy's POV)
As we enter the hallway I look over to Maddy's flat wishing I was in there with her right now. I'm not sure how I feel about the situation, but I've realized that we weren't actually dating so she technically wasn't cheating on me. I've also realized that if I don't ask her out soon, she may go back to Harvey. I just really love her and without her I'd be missing a huge part of my life. I need her to be in my arms more then ever right now.
"You alright mate?" Rye asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah I just want to go to bed." I said sighing.
"Okay, don't hesitate to wake me if you need me." He said.
"Thanks Rye. Love you." I said and hugged him.
"Love you too Fovvs." He replied and I broke the hug so I could enter the flat.
"Hey mate." Mikey said as I walked in and climbed into my bed.
"Hey Mikey." I said.
I pulled up my covers and something moved with them. It was Maddy's phone. I don't know her passcode but she had a bunch of notifications. I decided to be a good person and placed her phone at the end of my bed. I'll have one of the guys give it back to her tomorrow.
It's already 7 am and I still haven't slept. I decided to go on my phone and reply to some dms. Most of our fans were asking about if Maddy and I were dating and of course I said no. I scrolled far down just to see some old dms. I saw one that made me smile so big. It was Maddy saying how much she loved the band and some other stuff. I screenshoted the dm so I don't have to scroll down every time I want to read it.
"Andy why are you up?" Blair said in a groggy voice.
"Oh I um couldn't sleep." I said and he walked over to my bunk.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked and I nodded and sighed giving him most of the details.
"Im gonna have to talk to her." He said sighing and shaking his head.
"No please don't yell at her!" I said and he laughed.
"I wasn't gonna yell at her, calm down Andy. I'm gonna go get something from McDonald's. You want anything?" He asked me and my face lit up.
"Yeah can I have a egg McMuffin." I said and he nodded his head and left the room. I laid my head down and surprisingly fell asleep.
(Maddy's POV)
"Guys wake up!" I yelled jumping on them which resulted in groans from everyone and profanities from Nicole. I laughed and laid next to Nicole so we were facing each other. I batted my eyelashes and made a pouty face making her roll her eyes.
"Fine I'm up. It's 8:30 am why are you awake?" She said laughing and I just shrugged my shoulders and walked into the living room.
"How are you so hyper?" Abbie asked as she walked into the living room.
"I went to bed too early and I actually slept." I said making the other girls laugh and we all sat on the couch.
"I wanna go over to the boys flat." Erin whined.
"Yeah no. I'm staying here." I said and went into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

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