The Blizzard

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"If I was Bobby's girl, what a faithful thankful girl I'd be!!" Andi, Andi's boyfriend Ricky, Connie, and Steven sang in unison to the radio as Ricky drove up the mountain.

Andi was excited to be staying in a resort. It was winter break and her old friends from high school all decided that it would be a good idea if they all stayed in the mountains. The campus was only a few hours away so it wasn't that bad of a drive.

Andi has recently turned 20 so she wanted to do as much with her friends as possible. Her parents had encouraged her to go out on adventures while she was still young. She smiled admiring the beautiful landscape around her. 

Ricky looks at Andi noticing her staring off into space. He places his hand on hers causing her to jump. She places her hand on her heart. "Jesus Ricky, you scared me!" Andi laugjed. "I'm sorry. Just wondering what you were thinking about." He answered. "Probably necking with you and whole lot more!" Connie teased from the backseat.

"Am not!" Andi replied turning a bright red and giving Connie a playful but threatening look. "Don't worry baby, there will be a whole lot of that when we get to the cabin." Ricky winked. Andi covered her face nervously turning away as the rest of the car erupted with laughter.

"I'm not listening to you guys anymore." She laughed. She drowned them out, gazing out the window. She wondered what this mini vacation would bring.


The cabin was absolutely beautiful. They had a great view of the city below them and a patio with a fire pit. The bedrooms were nice too. The entire place was cozy yet luxurious. "Gee remind me to come here more often." Connie commented from her and Steven's bedroom.

When they were all packed Connie and Steven had teamed up to make dinner for the house. Luckily the cabin came with a radio so they could sing and dance while they cooked. They had agreed on chili. You could smell the aroma through the house as a hit James Darrin song blasted from the radio.

They had already lit a fire. Ricky and Andi sit close to it. Andi felt Ricky put his arm around her. He didn't notice Andi flinch under his touch. Ricky was a nice guy, so Andi wasn't sure why she had been feeling this way lately.

Andi wasn't sure what it was that was bothering her. But she knew that something was off. What scared her the most was that she didn't think it was him, but her. "Everything okay Andi?" Ricky asked with concern in his voice. "DINNER'S READY!!" Steven shouted from the kitchen.

Andi sighed in relief as her heart rate slowed. She wasn't ready to have this conversation because she wasn't sure why.


Dinner was delicious. They all had a good time discussing what they'd do after college and other goals. They reminisce old memories from high school that sent the room bursting with laughter.

When it was time for bed, they all said goodnight and headed to their rooms. Andi and Ricky could hear laughter coming from Connie and Steven's room which eventually turned into other noises making both of them turn red.

Ricky and Andi sat in an awkward silence. It was becoming unbearable until Ricky finally spoke. "Are you having fun?" He asked. "Of course!" Andi replied a bit too enthusiastically releasing a nervous laugh.

Ricky rolled over, facing her. Andi's heart sped up. She was feeling nervous. She wasn't sure what was happening to her. She had always dreamed of this moment, but something was still off. He propped himself  up on his elbow kissing her lips followed by her neck. Andi was squirming on the inside. As he made his way lower, she stopped him. "I'm sorry Ricky. I can't do this....tonight." She said.

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