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Andi devoured her chocolate chip pancakes as though she'd never eaten before. She looked up noticing Elizabeth gazing at her in wonderment. A small smile played at the corner of her lips. Andi's face turned red.

"Do you know how long it's going to be like this?" Andi asked breaking the ice. "No, but it's a good thing that I went shopping. So we won't starve." Elizabeth said with relief. "Well, I need to check on my friends. I can't stay here forever. I'm sure Ricky's wondering where I am." Andi replied.

A small smirk formed across Elizabeth's lips. "I'm sure he is. Whoever he is." Elizabeth stood up disappearing out the room. A few seconds later Andi heard a Frank Sinatra song playing. "Ricky and I are going steady." Andi went on. Andi finished up the last of her pancakes.

She didn't notice that some of the chocolate had gotten on the side of her mouth. Elizabeth giggled lightly taking a few steps toward her. Andi turned red when she realized they were face to face. She smelled the familiar vanilla scent. "W-what are you doing?" Andi asked nervously staring into the woman's hypnotizing green eyes.

"You have something...here." Elizabeth replied taking the chocolate off with her finger and putting it into her mouth. They kept eye contact. Andi felt a tingling sensation inside of her. Elizabeth moaned at the taste. "So Miss Andi, what are you doing in Mount Hood?" Elizabeth asked with curiosity.

"Well my boyfriend and best friends thought we go for winter vacation. I didn't expect any of this to happen..." Andi said. Elizabeth made a pouty face placing her hand on Andi's. "You know honey, I'm sort of glad that it did." Elizabeth said shocking Andi. Andi couldn't help but blush at the term she used.

Why was she feeling this way just by the woman touching her hand? There was no way she could have feelings for this stranger. A female at that. "Why is that?" Andi said trying to sound unphased. "Because, I like you." She whispered softly.

Andi pulled her hand away to Elizabeth's dismay. "So, where's your husband Miss Grant? Didn't you come here with anyone?" She asked trying to change the conversation. "I don't have one. I came here by myself because I needed some time away. You don't have to call me Elizabeth by the way. Lizzie is fine." She said with a wink.

This caused Andi to blush even deeper. "Lizzie..." She said to herself. "What do you do?" Andi asked. "I write music." Andi was shocked by her answer. She hadn't met many musicians in her life. "So you're going to be famous someday?" She asked.

This caused Lizzie to break into a fit of laughter. Andi was confused. "I already am famous." Lizzie replied. "What?" Andi asked. "Gee, I didn't think you were stuck in the snow for that long." Lizzie commented. Andi looked as though she had suddenly realized something.

"Wait...Elizabeth Grant as in the Elizabeth Grant? As in—" "Lana Del Rey" Lizzie finished for her. "No way." Andi replied. "I've heard your songs on the radio. They're a gas! We play it at Steven and Connie's shindigs all the time. Kinda Outta Luck is one of my favorites." Now it was Lizzie's turn to blush.

"I'm glad you like it." She smiled. Suddenly Frank Sinatra's version of Fly Me to the Moon started playing from the other room. This caused Lizzie to get up. "OOOO this is one of my favorite songs. Can you dance?" Lizzie asked.

"No. I'm not much of a dancer." Andi said. She was telling the truth. She couldn't do anything besides the twist and the Charleston. She had gone dancing with Ricky at the malt shop a number of times. Before she could hesitate anymore she was already being led by Lizzie into the next room.

"Alright, place your hands on my hips." Lizzie told her. Andi did as she was told. She didn't understand why she was so nervous. She had a strange feeling it wasn't because she was dancing with a complete stranger, but that Lizzie had pulled her close and placed her hands on her shoulders.

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