Chapter 4

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"Yes honey?" Lana asked, looking up from her knitting. When their eyes connected Andi felt as though her heart had stopped. It was as though this moment were frozen in time. Looking at this beautiful woman made her want to melt.

Andi has to get out her feelings. She knew what society thought about it. It was even something people would speak of, but they were behind these walls. Only the two of them. No one else could here. Perhaps it was just a passing phase. When the storm was over maybe things would go back to normal and she's be able to be happy with Ricky again.

"I may have feelings for you." Andi confessed. A small smirk played at the corner of Lana's lips. She raised an eyebrow showing that she was intrigued. "You may have feelings for me?" She asked standing to her feet slowly making her way over to Andi. Andi didn't want to show her that she was nervous. She wanted to be bold.

Andi felt as though they were playing a game of cat and she was the mouse. It was turning her own. She could feel butterflies in her stomach as well as a warm feeling in her lower region. She had never wanted someone so badly.

Lana stopped a few inches away from her. Andi could smell her perfume. The surreal music playing on the record player seemed to go perfect with this moment. Lana placed her hands around Andi's neck, pulling her closer until their faces were a few inches apart. Feeling bold, Andi places hers on Lana's waist.

"I do have feelings for you." Andi states more confidently. Lana smiled looking back and forth at both of her eyes. Andi could feel her soft breath against her lips. She could feel an ache between her thighs. All the woman had done was place her arms around her shoulders and she was already turned on. "And Ricky?" Lana whispered against her lips.

Andi could feel the guilt wash over her. Ricky was a nice guy. He had always treated her well. He didn't deserve this. They had been going steady for a while. But Ricky wasn't here right now. And even if he was, she'd probably feel nothing. "I don't want Ricky. I want you Lizzie." Andi confessed.

Lana giggled lightly before closing the gap between them. Andi felt like she was on cloud 9. Lana's lips were so soft. She tasted like cherries. Hungry for more Andi pulled her closer, so she could deepen the kiss. She could feel Lana's tongue begging for access so she allowed it in.

Lana's tongue moved throughout her mouth causing a moan to escape from Andi. Their tongues fought for dominance. Kissing her was a gas. Andi lightly bit her lip, making it Lana's turn to moan. "Oh my" Lana whispered finally pulling away. Andi looked and felt as though she had been put under a spell.

She stared at Lana in awe of what she just felt. Lana giggled lightly waving her hand in front of Andi. "Andi darling, are you alright?" Andi blinked, finally coming back to. "Y-yes?" "Awww." Lana said running her thumbs along Andi's face. She leaned in giving her a peck on the cheek, then disappeared into the kitchen.

Andi couldn't believe what had just happened. She had had the best kiss of her life. She decided that she was going to enjoy how long she had before the storm passed and the roads cleared. She was sure everyone missed her and was wondering where she was.

She wished she was able to tell them she was okay, but there was no way to get into contact with them. As soon as the storm was over, she would return to their cabin. It hurt her to think that this would ever happen.


Later that night.....

"Hey, would you look at that? The tv's working!" Lana cheered standing over the small box. The weatherman was saying that the storm should be gone by tomorrow. This filled Andi's heart with dread. She wasn't ready to go yet. She wanted to spend at least a few more days with the singer.

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