Chapter Five ; It's biology

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My first full day in the hell hole seemed to be going on forever. Even though I had my wheelchair sitting here I still couldn’t manage to get into it on my own; this meant I was stuck in this bed until someone would help me out of it. I know I could have asked for help but admitting that I needed help was a lot harder than I thought it would be. After breakfast the doctor came in and they removed my catheter, normally that would make me feel much happier but now I would have to get assistance going to the bathroom. There was something that made me feel so worthless, just a week ago I was out winning the final game for my team and now I can’t even take a piss without having someone help me. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, I thought to myself as the male nurse helped me into my chair.

Every time I had to make a call out to the nurses’ station for help was like a blow to my stomach. Luckily the male nurse was assigned to my hall for the morning shift and he seemed pretty laid back about the whole thing. There was a soft knock on the door, “I am here to get you into your shower…”, to my surprise a young woman walked in pulling a cart behind her. She was tiny and couldn’t have been much older than me, in fact she almost looked younger. Her hair was in a bob which framed her pale face; her cheeks blushing red as she looked up at me. “Ahem…” I cleared my throat, as I ran my hand through my hair. The pink that stained her cheeks made her even more attractive. She was different from most of the girls I knew, she honestly seemed to not be aware at how attractive she really was. She defiantly wasn’t my usual type, most of the girls I had gone out with were loud and very confident, her on the other hand she was quiet and shy. “You are going to help me into the shower?” I asked, surely, I had heard her wrong. Don’t get me wrong I would love to have her take my clothes off but there was no way in hell I wanted her to help me into the shower. To have to get help for that is embarrassing enough but I couldn’t handle a girl like her to see me like that. You can say my pride definitely got in the way. “U-uh… well yeah… I’m one of the assistants, I just help you get undr-essed… and um in the shower ch-chair…” her pink cheeks grew even brighter as she stumbled over her words. “Yeah… I don’t think so….” I quickly wheeled past her and down the hall to the nursing station.

“Ma’am?” The older woman looked up at her desk for a moment. “Yes, Mr. Adams. What can I do for you?” I couldn’t stop thinking about how cute those red cheeks on that girl were but at the same time I wasn’t about to let her do that. “Yeah, I don’t really feel comfortable with someone so… young… helping me into the shower. Could you have someone else do that for me?” My voice wavered a little as I tried to think of a good excuse to have it change. She smiled at me and stood from her desk, “I completely understand, I will take care of this.” She nodded before heading down the hallway towards the pretty brunette. 

I watched in silence as the rosy cheeked brunettes’ eyes focused on the floor as the lady spoke to her, she simply nodded and began down the hallway with the cart, her eyes still focused on the floor. Shit, I hope I didn’t get her in trouble or anything. As I wheeled back down to my room I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty but on the other hand how could they blame me? There was a part of me that refused to admit how hard relying on someone else was; I didn’t want to be helpless I wanted to be my usual self. This accident made it impossible though. I was struggling with accepting that.

As I settled back in my room I couldn’t help but feel like I had seen that girl before. I am sure if I had I would have known – its hard to forget a pretty face. Maybe I had seen her at one of our parties down at Foster’s, if I was drunk when I saw her that would explain why I was having such a hard time remembering her. I wasn’t sure why I kept thinking about her, but it was impossible to get her out of my head. Man, sitting in this room alone all day was bound to get to me, and now I am one day in and already losing it. I snatched my phone up off the bed and dialed Kade’s number, “Hey man, care to come save your best friend of complete boredom?” I asked as soon as he answered the phone. “You know it, on my way,” was his only response before I heard the phone click.

It didn’t take long before Kade was barging into my small room.  “My brothhhaaa!” He called out, flopping down on my bed. “How ya hangin’?” He chuckled, with a huge grin on his face. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, “Yea, I’m having the time of my life.” The one good thing about Kade was that he was really good at distracting you from your problems. He was usually getting himself into some type of girl drama that was enough to entertain you for a week. He filled me in on the latest school gossip as we played Call of Duty. Time flew by because before I knew it there was a soft knock on the door, “Dinner…” the familiar soft voice called out before pushing the door open. There stood the small girl from earlier with a dinner tray in her hands. She kept her eyes focused on the floor as she made her way over to the small table and sat the tray down. Her eyes flickered to Kade and then to me for a split second before settling back on the floor. I couldn’t tell if she was mad about what had happened earlier or if she was upset. “Can I get you anything else?” Kade perked up and quickly responded, “How about those digits, pretty lady.” The girls’ cheeks lit up bright red as she turned and quickly exited the room, the door quietly shutting behind her.

Kade burst into laughter as he focused back on the video game in front of him. “Well at least you have some cute chicks to wait on you…. but isn’t that the girl from our biology class?” I shot Kade a confused look, there was no way that girl went to our school because I would definitely remember her then, especially if she was in our grade. “In our class?” I asked, taking a bite of the sandwich that she had brought in. “There is no way she is in our grade; how would she be working here?” Kade glanced over at me from the bed, a goofy look on his face. “Yea she is definitely in our bio class, she sits over by the window…. Annie or something like that…” He shrugged as he continued to shoot the other players. I leaned my head back and began playing my class through my head, I also had biology with some of the guys from the team…. It was my first class of the day which I usually slept through so maybe that’s why I can’t remember her.

I tried my best to push all thoughts of her from my head and focus on our game. Still, my mind would drift to the hallways at school and I would scan over faces trying to picture her among the other students. “DUDE! WHAT THE HELL!” Kade yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. “What?” I snapped, unsure what he was freaking out about. “You are supposed to be on my team and you just let that dude kill me!” He yelled, I couldn’t help but laugh, my best friend was an idiot.  “Don’t blame me because you suck at this game, I can only do so much for you.” I chuckled and turned my focus back to the game.

It was nearly ten o’clock by the time Kade decided to head home. I wheeled myself along the hallway, saying good bye as he headed out the back door. As I turned to head back to my room I spotted the girl sitting in a large room by herself, it must have been a break room or something. She had her head down as she picked at a salad in some Tupper wear in front of her. She seemed so sad, the guilt I had from earlier began flodding back in, fuck I really hope I hadn’t gotten her in trouble.

I wheeled over to the door, clearing my throat a little. The girls head snapped up and she looked over at me with a confused expression. “Do you need some help?” She asked as she stood up from her table. I shook my head as I looked her over, she really was cute. “No, I just wanted to apologize about earlier…  I hope I didn’t get you in trouble or anything.” I watched as her eyes dropped back to the floor and her cheeks began to burn red. “No, it’s fine. No problem.” She nodded, her fingers fidgeting awkwardly. I nodded slightly before turning my chair around and heading back to my room.

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