UPDCT: Chapter Twenty. (The End).

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This chapter is dedicated to maama_djalel.

AN: Hey guys. How have y'all been. I know that you guys must be thinking why I'm ending my book this early but this is just the beginning. There will be a continuation of this book which I will mention to you its title in an author's note after this chapter, so enjoy, my lovely wattpadders.


        Jafar stared at her as she headed to the restaurant's exit. He had been following her for a week now. He saw her last week at the orphanage feeding the motherless babies. Since then he had developed a strong liking for her.

      From what he had gathered lately she was a teacher. She lived in an apartment near the restaurant and she always ate her breakfast there.

      As he was lost in his train of thought, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find a strange man grinning at him.

"Assalamualaikum."greeted the man taking the seat across Jafar.

"Wa'alaikumusalam." answered Jafar forcing a smile.

"I'm Khalil." said the man stretching his hand out for a shake.

Accepting the man's hand, Jafar replied 'Jafar."

"I'm her brother." stated the man.

"Ummmm?"questions Jafar his eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"The lady who just left the restaurant." answered Khalil a smile playing on his lips.

"Oh!" said Jafar feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I'm the owner of the restaurant and I've noticed your being regular here since last week." said Khalil.

"Yes. I have quite frequented this restaurant lately."replied Jafar.

"And from what I've gathered, all you do is to stare at my sister till she leaves. Am I correct?" inquired Khalil giving Jafar a pointed look.

"I'm sorry I-I did-dn't mea–" started Jafar but was cut off.

"You don't have to explain yourself actually. Aisha is the type of girl who doesn't even give men the slightest of chance to approach her even though our mother's wish before she died was for her to get married to a good man."said Khalil.

"So Aisha is her name." thought Jafar.

"So if you are interested in her be free to speak but you will have to prove to me that you are a good man before I agree to you speaking to her." finished Khalil in a stern voice.

Jafar lowered his head. He really liked her but that was not the way he wanted it to happen. Her brother caught him staring at her red handed. Not even once but multiple times. He raised his head not wanting to annoy Khalil and spoke.

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