UPDCT: Chapter Seven

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AN: Hello lovely people, how was Ramadan. Well it came to an end. I hope we did things that will benefit us later on in life. So this chapter is dedicated to my two best friends Fatima and Zulaiha for being such lovely people. I love you guys so much and I am the luckiest person to have you two as friends. I also want to thank my beautiful baby niece Djalel who helped me by bugging me when typing.

         I thought that we've had enough of Muhammad and Salma so let's start with Ahmad and Jiddah.
Who's with me cause I'm so shipping JAHMAD. Tell me what you think about it.

        Jiddah and Ahmad were going on a date to know more about each other with his sister Khadijah going along with them.
        Khadijah was a very reserved person so Ahmad thought that they won't be bothered if they went along with her. At least they won't be feeling so uncomfortable.

        Jiddah was busy finishing touches of her simple make up when there was a loud knock on the door.

"I'll get it"shouted Sa'eed running towards the door.


"Wa'alakumusalam" she heard her brother and her husband to be exchanging pleasantries.

"Husband to be huh. Getting cheesy already?" she thought to herself.

As she was pacing her room, Ahmad's sister was escorted to her room by her brother. She looked just as quiet and reserved as Ahmad told her.
"Jiddah Mumma said that you guys should come out so you can leave before you get late." Sa'eed said butting his head into her room.

"Okay we'll be there in five."she answered.

To say she is nervous is an understatement. Khadijah noticed her nervousness so she stood up to comfort her.

"Don't worry, nothing's gonna happen. I saw my sister experiencing all this stuff before her marriage. She lost weight then because as she said just thinking of it makes her nervous." Khadijah said as she patted her back in a soothing way.

"Thank you" Jiddah whispered to her flashing her a smile.

With that they left her room and they headed to meet the others in the living room.
"What took you so long."her mother asked.

"I w-was just........."she stuttered.

"We were just finishing touches."answered Khadijah calmly.

"Okay leave before you get late and be careful" her mother said giving her a hug and a peck on the cheek.
      She blushed of embarrassment.
"Mumma I'm in front of this guy. Oh my Allah."
The three of them, Jiddah, Muhammad and Khadijah headed towards the door. As they were going Muhammad turned to Salma.

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