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The Doctor walked around the main console in the TARDIS, making repairs here and there. He hadn't really had time to repair the TARDIS since he had crash landed in Equestria the second time and, frankly, it gave him some time to think.

He was worried. He didn't know what was going on with him, and he didn't like not knowing. But that wasn't the worst part. He was worried for Derpy, her daughters, Mist... all the friends he had made while in this strange world. The Doctor remembered Tafari's words: "Basically, the pony goes crazy, they begin to hurt the ones close to them."

He knew that if he began to hurt the ones close to him, Derpy would be in real trouble, and he didn't want anything to happen to her, especially since she had two daughters.

The Doctor sighed and closed his eyes. He suddenly began to feel drowsy.

Why do you even care about them? a voice in his head asked. It's not like they really care about you.

Of course they care about me, they're my friends.

What have you done for them? Sure, you saved Equestria, but that doesn't mean they would consider you a friend. The only reason they keep you around is because they feel sorry for you. They pity you.

Why would they pity me?

Why wouldn't they? The poor Doctor, forcibly taken from his universe, the world he knows, unable to return. The last of his kind, no one who understands him.

That's not true. They do care about me.

You're pathetic. You're wearing a mask. You're just a scared little man. You're afraid that if you don't keep helping them, that if you make a mistake, they won't want you around. You're just afraid they'll leave you alone.

But I'm not afraid.

You are. You are an afraid, pathetic, worthless shell of what you once were.

Shut up!

You don't know what you want. You only know what you see before you. You're too blind, too scared, to look within yourself. To face your demons.

"I said SHUT UP!"

"Doctor," came a soft voice from the door of the TARDIS. "Are you okay?"

The Doctor looked over to see who was speaking. Standing in the entrance was Derpy. "I'm fine," he replied, turning his attention back to the TARDIS console.

"Are you sure?" Derpy asked, approaching the Doctor. "You don't seem fine." She placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"I said I'm fine!" the Doctor yelled, swinging his own hoof around. He felt his hoof make impact with something. After a moment, he realized that Derpy had a hoof to her check, staring at him with a shocked expression. He had hit her.

"D.. Ditzy, I... I didn't..." he stammered.

"Let's just go home," Derpy replied as she turned back towards the doors, her voice shaking.

"I'm sorry."

She didn't reply, she just began to walk away, leaving the Doctor standing there in silence.

Doctor Whooves - Part 3: DiscordedWhere stories live. Discover now