Chapter two- A flirtatious Vampire

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                                                  Evalyn's Pov

"Momma, where are we going?" Rosa asked me. I looked back at her. "We're going to see our cousin's from Alaska. We need witnesses remember?" I asked her. Bella looked at me and smiled weakly. I smiled back. "Okay, momma." She replied. I turned back and laid my head on the seat. I sighed.

It's going to be okay love (Edward)

But what if they don't listen? they could try and hurt Rosa. I-I can't lose her (me) 

We won't lose her love. I promise. She is our daughter. If the Volturi even try, I'll- (Edward)

Eddie. I get it. They won't hurt Nessie because she is a werewolf pup. It just... Scares me. (Me)

He looked at me and smiled reassuringly. Oh, how I love the power of telekinesis. No one knows what's going on, because they can't read minds. Only Eddie and I can. 

                                                     Time Skip Really Barry? Did you mess up the Timeline again?

Eddie got out of the car. Not before looking at me with a 'are you ready?' look. I nodded and looked ahead. "Edward is everything alright? why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Tanya. "Is it Irina? have you heard from her?" Kate. "Not directly," Eddie said and continued to walk forward. "Why is your fiance waiting in the car?" Elyzer.

Yeah. She needs to leave so I can kiss Edward (Tanya)


Evalyn. It won't happen. Calm down. I love you and only you. Relax (Eddie)

I breathed and calmed down. I gritted my teeth though. "Momma? are you alright?" Rosaline asked me. "Yeah. I'm FINE." I said firmly. "It sure don-" "Bella shut up please!" I practically growled. "And why do you got two wolves with you I can smell them from here," Kate said firmly. "I- I need you to be open-minded can you do that?" Eddie asked. Well, pleaded. "Of course,"

Oh, How I love you, Edward! I wish you knew! (Tanya)

I tapped my finger on the dashboard in annoyance. Sometimes I really hate telekinesis. Eddie looked back at me. "Alright. Let's go," I said. We all got out of the car. They all gasped. "An Immortal child?" Eliezer asked. Suddenly mad. "No. Rosa is not what you think!" I said firmly. They all looked back at me. "She's immortal?" Carmen asked. Eddie nodded. "When she gave birth to Rosaline, she died in the process. I had to get a needle and stab the morphine in her heart." He explained. I sighed. Nessie transformed.

 Nessie transformed

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"Awe. She is so cute." Carmen said. Nessie moved her wolf head down and bowed. Rosa went up and petted her head. "Can I show you?"Rosa asked in a High pitch voice. Carmen nodded. Rosa let out her sheild, and showed her, her past. "They're right. She's not an immortal child." Carmen said and looked at me. She smiled. I gave a weak smile back. 

Okay, so there! two chapters in a day! happy?

Evalyn: Not even a fucking bit

Me: What? why?

Evalyn: Tanya

Me: Oh, Flirting. I get it

Edward: She was literally about to tear her to shreds. I tried so hard not to laugh

Tanya: Were you talking about me Edward?

Me: Oh, no no no no get your flirtatious shit out of this conversation

Tanya: Fine. Boo-bye Edward

Me: Okay, I see why you hate her. Let me say goodbye to the viewers so I can comfort you

Evalyn: Okay author

Me: Vote Comment Share and well yeah! 

The Beckoning (Sequel to Evalyn Swan)Where stories live. Discover now