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                    Evalyn's POV

I heard faint chuckles. "Well. Nice seeing you again Eva." I heard a familiar voice say. I growled. "What are you doing here?" I asked through my teeth. She rolled her eyes. "Seeing an old friend." She told me. I turned around, and she was staring at me. I knew what she as doing. So, I used her power straight back at her. She choked, and fell to the ground. "How does it feel?" I asked her. She got up, and dusted herself off. "Terrible. But it's fun to do on people. Nice gift by the way." She said. I growled. Eddie got in front of me. "Back off Jane. She isn't joining the Volturi." Eddie growled. Jane perked her head up. She smirked. "You never know Eddie. Someone might break her heart." That got me ticked. I used my power on her. "ENOUGH!" I yelled agitated. Everyone gasped. "If I were you, I would leave before I get angry, and do more damage then I already did." I said fiercely. Her eyes widened. "You will come to us when you need to. Trust me. You will." She told me, and sped off. I dropped my hands, and hung my head low. "Thanks Bella for the Shielding thing." I mumbled. She gave me a one armed hug. "No problem sis. Nice job giving her hell." She told me. I Chuckled.

The Beckoning (Sequel to Evalyn Swan)Where stories live. Discover now