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                                                      Evalyn's Pov

Things have been a real downer. Edward and I got into a fight.


"You need to stop being so clingy!" He screamed. "I-I I'm not being clingy I-" He cut me off. "Save it. Don't talk to me for a while. Rosa can see me when she wants." He walked out. Rosa walked up to me. "Momma?" She asked me. I ran out to find Edward, but it was no use. "Eva?" I heard someone ask, before I knew it, something made me pass out.


"Momma?" Rosaline asked me. Ever since the fight, I've been really depressed. I didn't answer. "Evalyn!" I heard Daddy yell. Tears filled my eyes. Dad hugged me. "What happened?" He asked me. I didn't say anything. I just stared ahead. So, he went to my sister. "Why is she like this?" He demanded. "Eddie and she got into a fight," Bella admitted. I put my head on my knees. Rosa ran to her grandpa and hugged her. Currently, I was in comfortable sweats and a pajama shirt. I never really wore this ever since I became a vampire, but now felt like a good time. Seth came over and rubbed my shoulders. "Grandpa, can I spend the night?" Rosa asked Dad. "Up to your mother." He said. I looked up at her and nodded. She jumped up and down with excitement. "Where's Evalyn? I need to apologize." I heard someone say. I stayed quiet again. "She doesn't want to talk to the likes of you." I heard Seth say.  "S-Seth."  I warned. He jerked his head towards me and frowned at my condition. "Evalyn please look at me." He pleaded. Charlie held Rosa so she wouldn't interrupt anything. I slowly moved my head up. "Evalyn you look horrible." He told me. Edward picked me up bridal Style, and laid me on the couch. He put me on his lap. i didn't argue. "Can you forgive me? I was mad, and angry at the Volturi that I took it out on you, and I can't help but feel really bad for it. Please Evalyn. I need you in my life. Forgive me?" He explained. I looked into his Hazel eyes, and saw nothing but sadness, and regret. I slowly nodded. He smiled triumphantly, and pulled me in for a short, but passionate kiss. I hesitated, but kissed back. He pulled away."I love you so so much." He told me. I saw a tear fall. I wiped it away. "I love you too." I finally said. "WOOHOO! MY LITTLE SIS FINALLY SAID SOMETHING!" Emmett yelled. I laughed. "Now, if you will excuse me, This girl needs to change." I admitted. Charlie laughed. "Can I come?" Eddie asked in a seductive voice. "No can do Cullen." I heard daddy say. I laughed. I walked into the room the Cullens had for me, and changed into something more... me. When I walked down the stairs, I was engulfed in a hug by my sister. I giggled. "No offense Sis. You smell like a dog." I said. She playfully barked at me, and I giggled. "Alright girls. I gotta go. Eva. I'm just happy your okay." Charlie choked out. I pulled him in for a hug. "Be safe." He told me. "I will." I said. "See you at home Bells." Charlie said. "Grandpa!" Rosa and Nessie yelled. Charlie chuckled. "Oh I forgot. Eva, you coming?" Charlie asked.Rosa giggled and nodded. Nessie looked sad. "It's okay Nessie. you'll see her soon." I told her. She giggled, and transformed. She sat at my feet, and nudged my hand. i patted her small snout. 

The Beckoning (Sequel to Evalyn Swan)Where stories live. Discover now