The First Lady

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The boys walked into school like they own the place. With a confident swag. Hitting on the ladies. Being loud with their lacrosse buddies...Being men!

At the same time, a cute girl was being dropped off by her dad.
"Thanks for taking me to school." She said quietly and got out.
"No problem, my beautiful daughter." Peter said looking at her adoringly.
"I'll see you later then?" Malia asked.
"Definitely. Oh! Before I forget, meet me at your aunt's old place at 6:00."
Peter added.
"Why? Is it some ridiculous training thing again?" Malia asked.
"Just be there. Get to class. Make friends!" Peter called as Malia walked away.
"Don't need 'em!" Malia replied with a small wave without looking back.
Peter chuckled at his daughter and drove away.

In class, the pack were actually quiet for a change. Paying attention to the lesson and taking notes while Malia mastered the art of sleeping with her eyes open. The only thing that snapped her back to alertness was the sound of the bell.
School was not Malia's favorite thing. But...Her father insisted, so she went anyway. It wasn't all bad. There was Lunch and P.E.
She was excellent at both.
Ate lunch without the inconvenience of other people.
Ran circles around the boys in P.E.

They boys on the other hand loved school. Filled with food and friends, girls and book learning that they secretly enjoyed. Of course they would never admit to it since they have a reputation to uphold.
Great at sports. Great at school.
Great looking...perfect.

After school, the guys split up until it was time to meet Peter.
Malia went home to eat, shower and dabble in some homework.
6:00 came and the pack had been there since 5:30. Miraculously all arriving around the same time.
Each one of them wondering how the hell that was even possible.
Malia however, was ten minutes late.
"Sorry I'm late! I overslept." Malia announced. Only to find a room full of men. None of them her father.
"What are you doing here?"
Theo asked rudely. Scott hit him.
"He just meant, we didn't expect to see you. Here." Scott said with an arm locked around Theo's throat.
"Okay...Well my dad told me to be here. So..." Malia said looking around.
"I'm here. I had some business that ran late." Peter said entering.
"That doesn't answer why we're all here." Isaac said.
Everyone was in agreement.
"You're here because I have to go to Scotland for a few weeks and I thought my daughter should meet her new pack." Peter explained.
"Scotland? You're going to Scotland and you're not even taking me?!"
Malia asked offended.
"What do you mean her new pack?" Theo demanded.
"She's officially you're new pack mate." Peter said.
"Until you get back, right?"
Theo asked.
"Or, you know...forever." Peter said.
"Whoa whoa whoa! You're going to put me in a pack without consulting me first?" Malia asked.
"Yes. Oreo?" Peter offered.
"That's so unfair. And...yes." Malia said and took the whole pack.
"Why do we need another pack member anyway? Especially a girl.
She'll ruin the dynamic." Isaac said.
"The first smart thing you've said in your entire existence."
Theo said sarcastically.
"It's done. No amount of complaining will change that." Peter said.
"I don't mind. Could be fun."
Scott said.
"You're only saying that because you love her." Liam said. Earning him a punch to the stomach from Scott.
"This is a hot mess." Malia said.
"Your hot mess, daughter. Enjoy! Who wants ice-cream?" Peter asked.
"Me!" Malia said happily before she remembered that she was mad at him.
"This is what we'll have to deal with." Theo said sarcastically and walked out the door. The others followed.
"None for the rest of you then?"
Peter asked.
"I want some too." Liam said cutely.
Scott smiled and hopped on his bike.
"You know I love sweet treats." Isaac said.
Despite all Theo's bluster, he said...
"...Damn it! Me too."
Theo finally cracked.
Malia got in her dad's car.
Isaac got a lift with Theo.
Liam had his car to himself.
Scott on his bike.
And they waited for Peter to lead the way to creamy treats.

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