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I have no idea what I was thinking. Honestly, this is one of the stupidest decisions I've ever made. My thoughts feel like a heavy weight looms above my head, doomed to fall.

'What in the actual fuck am I thinking'

Swallowing hard, I carefully wrap the long strip of cloth around my bare chest, pulling it tightly as I go. I close my eyes, praying to god that this works. Once I finish, I finger the rough, wooly fabric of my new coat, my coat.

After slipping on the hard, clunky boots, I slowly put on the coat. Yes, this'll do. At least I look like a soldier now. Pulling my untamed curly hair back, I walk toward my door.

'Wait, what do I call myself? I can't be lilah, they'd know for sure then..'

"Leon, Leon O'Connells" the voice whispers in my ear, the sound trickling in like water, and flowing out through the other side, very slowly. It's voice silky smooth, velvety, but all at once terrifying. Every word sounded like honey, dripping slowly, but this honey has been poisoned, the sickeningly sweet scent of death following the soft smell of the flowery honey.

I nod. I cannot disobey the voice, or the venom will encroach my mind, seeping through my body, oozing out of every pore.

"My name is Leon. Leon O'Connells." I repeat back, straightening my posture and pulling a straight face. I walk out of my small apartment, and head down the street to a pub. Better get in the mood now.

Once I enter I suddenly feel very awkward, like I'm not supposed to be here. Nudging past people, I find a secluded spot near a window. To be honest, I don't want drink anymore, I'm quite afraid that if I do, things won't go so well..

I stare blankly out the window until a loud thump broke my train of thought.

"Mind if we sit here? There's nowhere else to sit, so..." a broad shouldered man with chocolatey skin sat before me. He had a kind smile that didn't suit his build, but he somehow made it work.

"I don't mind." I mumble. He smiles from ear to ear and waves three other people over.

"Okay, I'm Hercules Mulligan, just call me Herc though." He points to a tall man with curly hair pulled into a high ponytail, the scruff on his face well groomed.

"That's Marquis dé Lafayette, he's french, doesn't speak much english, but we love im anyway" there was a slight Irish accent to Herc's low voice that I had to strain to hear. He pointed to a shorter, straight haired male, who looked like he had never eaten in his life.

"That's Alexander Hamilton. We just met him, he's a nice guy. Doesn't shut up though." He whispered the last part, making me giggle. Alex shook my hand with a large smile.

"And that right there is John Laurens. Lover of turtles." He pointed to a curly haired male with his hair in a low ponytail, looking like he was dazed or in a trance. My face heated up slightly when he finally looked up, his hazel-green eyes staring holes into mine.

"And you are?" Alexander asks me. I shake my head, attempting to break John's stare.

"I'm Leon, Leon O'Connells. Pleasure to meet you all" I give them a smile. They suddenly burst out into conversation, which startled me.

I uncomfortably shift in my seat as they talk easily about nothing and everything all at once. They seemed like they couldn't stop. Alexander started talking about politics, closing me off from the conversation.

"I guess I'll go now..." I got up and started toward the door. I wasn't even far from the table until I'm suddenly stopped by someone grabbing my arm, and pulling me back down to sit. I see Alexander's face, he had an expression as if someone asked him a question he couldn't answer.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Anywhere really...."

"What do you mean? Are you not enjoying our company?" He gave me a worried look.

"You know you aren't. You have to leave here now." The voice said, it's tone aggressive.

"I mean, well, well, I have to, to, I have to go! Yeah, umm, to, the, the. Oh never mind, I got nothing. I just feel a little left out, that's all" I stutter, spitting out my words, fidgeting frantically.

"Oh, sorry. We didn't know" Lafayette apologizes

"You need to go! NOW!" The voice screamed in my ear. I wince and cover my ears.

"Whoa, what's with him?" John asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Voices in my head..." I whisper softly. "Screaming, it hurts."

Herc pats my back.

"I'm sure you're fine." He gives me a warm smile. I look at him distastefully.

"If you say so." I shift again in my seat as they all stare awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, you guys can leave if you want. I'm not good for much." I rub the back of my head.

"No no no no no no!" The all say in unison, waving their hands frantically in the air.

"Why do you think that?" John asks me, his voice laced with worry.

"Because it's true." I say. "Discussion ended. Let's talk about you guys, where did you all come from?" I rest my chin on my palm. This should be be fun.


Yay, a cliffhanger. Ik I'm a crap writer, but just bear with me. I do hope you enjoy. I'd like to get feedback on this chapter, so feedback would be greatly appreciated. *chuckles nervously* well, if you like it, I'll continue it. Thanks everyone, and please stay safe and warm in this cold winter weather! (New York especially)

(964 words)

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