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(First off, I'm just gonna say, I'm not gonna use the fancy font anymore. Too much work. If you want the link for it, please just ask me. Thanks!)


Oh my god, oh Jesus.. What did I get myself into.. I can't just leave John out on the street while I wash up and change.. Come to think if it, I am getting kind of hungry.

As we reach the small brick building that holds my upper floor apartment, John puts his hand on my shoulder so he wouldn't loose me in the crowd.

"This is your home?" He looks the building up and down a couple times, then back to me. I nod, and pull out my key. I unlock the door and we climb up the stairs to my apartment.

"John, I want you to stay here for a moment. I need to clean up a bit, I wasn't expecting guests today, so, ah, uhh, just wait here." I ask. He mused a quiet 'whatever', and made himself comfortable.

I ran inside and cleaned up anything that would make him suspicious of my true identity. I ran into my room and shoved everything into my closet, closing the doors swiftly. As I closed them, I saw my old dresses, and gulped. I just hope he isn't nosy.

"John! You can come in now!" I ran to the door and opened it, revealing me, one hand on my knee, and breathing hard.

"Wow, you seem to be out of breath. Quick cleaning?" I let him inside, and he looks around. As he is engrossed in looking around my parlor, I see my embroidery, and panic. I try to cover it up, but John noticed.

"What's this?" He picks it up, looking at it quizzically. My heart rate picks up and my face goes all hot and sweaty.

"I told you... You can't do this, John knows, they all know.." the voice rings in my ears. John's eyes soften as he sees the unfinished blue bird with delicate flowers decorating a handkerchief. He runs his finger down the stitching, my stitching.

"This is beautiful... Who made this?" He looked toward me as I shook violently.

"I made it.." I mumble quietly. He fumbled with it for a moment, and asked-

"Could, could you repeat that? I couldn't quite hear you.." He leaned in closer, causing my heart rate to skyrocket.

"I made it..." I say, just a bit louder than before. His eyes light up excitedly.

"You made this?! Wow, you've got quite the talent!" He puts a hand on my shoulder and I tense up. He doesn't seem to notice, and goes on asking me things.

"What other talents do you have? No, no, let me guess.... gardening! Wait, no... sword fighting! Fencing!" As he goes on a tangent, I put away my embroidery, and see if I hid my épéé. I'm just glad that was a guess.

"John, I'm going to go change real quick. You can make some tea if you like. I don't have coffee, since it's so expensive, or sugar, but I have a little tea left that I'm saving. I don't want to pay the tax, so I hide it. It's in the farthest cupboard to the right in my kitchen" I wink at him as I wander  into my room. He does a funny little salute and goes to find the tea.

After I take off my clothes, I realize my binding wrap has come undone a bit. As I re-do it, John calls to me through the door.

"Do you want any tea, Leon?" He knocks on the door. I run up to the door and press myself up against it to keep it closed.

"Yes please, thank you John! I'll be out in just a few minutes!" I say, my voice slipping a bit. I hear him walk off, and I sigh in relief. That was close.

I change into something causal after washing my face, and walk out the door into the parlor, to see John reading a newspaper I had left out, drinking his tea. Another cup was set out, with a small saucer of cream next to it.

"Thank you for making some for me, I appreciate it." I sit down adjacent to him, and add some cream to my tea.

We sit in silence for a while. I watch John read the paper. He looked so much like some kind of father figure. He was so poised, graceful even.

"You seem very intent on fixing yourself in my reading of this awful newspaper. Is everything alright?" He puts the paper down, and looks me right in the eye.

"I was waiting until you noticed." I partly lie, smirking. "Do you want to go to Laff's house, or go out to eat at that pub?" I look him in the eye, raising one eyebrow.

"Let's go to that pub then. Shall we?" He set down his cup and stood up. I follow suit, grabbing my bag. He opens the door for me, gesturing to walk with him. I do a mock curtsey, and with the girliest and most annoying voice, I say-

"Thank you so much Mr. Laurens!"

He bursts out laughing, holding himself up. His curly hair bounced as his body shook with laughter. I smiled slightly, glad to see him so happy. I almost want to reach out and touch his soft looking locks, but I hold myself back.

What a beautiful man...

J. Laurens

Laughing racks my body after Leon made that stupid impression of a woman. I have to hold myself up as I laugh, so as to not fall over.

When I finish, Leon's face seemed to have soften, almost into a dreamy looking expression. He looked so happy, so content. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment, both of our faces tinted a cherry red color.

My mind took over by mind in a split second, quick as lightning. My hands are cupping his face, and I'm kissing him. It was only for a moment, but boy, did I almost explode with butterflies. My insides are churning with anticipation.

Leon just stands there for a moment, looking just about as shocked as I was nervous. He whispered an 'okay', before running down the stairs and out the door.

"God dammit..... John! Why! Why did you do that?!" I yell at myself as I run after Leon. Once I'm out the door, I see him sprinting down the cobbled streets. I run after him, passing Alex as I do. He looked confused as he followed me with his eyes as I ran down the street.

Leon turned a corner, just before I could get to him. After I took that same right, I saw him. His eyes were as wide as saucers as he stared at the water, sitting down on a bench overlooking the ocean.

"Why John?" He asked blankly, not even looking my way. I sit down next to him, hoping he doesn't move away.

"Leon, I'm so sorry. I never meant to do that, but it just happened. If there's anything I can do to make this up, I'll do it." I stare him down as I plead. He turns his head and looks me in the eyes.

"Do it again..."

(1227 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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