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нαмιℓtση. α.

That Leon kid seems so fragile. He's quiet and observant. It kind of worries me, Leon may be just a leech. You know, like a blood sucker, he just drains your patience. It takes him forever to respond to something, or always has his nose in a book. He's just being annoying.

John has taken a liking to Leon. They hang out a lot. It used to be just Laff, Herc, John and I. Can't it go back to the way it was? Before that leech stole my friends?

"Hey! John!" I wave my buddy over. "What's with you and Leon? You're spending an awful lot of time together." I tap my foot impatiently, crossing my arms.

"Nothing, why do you ask Alex?" He put his hand on my shoulder, suddenly realizing what this is all about. "Leon is a good guy, I can't tell if you actually like him or not, but I just want you to give him a chance." John pats my back and starts off. I grab his arm, stopping him.

"Alex? What is it now?" He gives me a puzzled look. I tighten my grip, making John cringe slightly. "Alex, you're hurting me."

"Don't hang out with Leon anymore. I know I seem like I like him, but I think he's trying to pull us away from each other." I say, my face contorting into worry. I stare into John's hazel-green eyes intently.

"Alexander, you're being ridiculous. Let go of me." He pulled his arm away, and walked away briskly, rubbing his arm where I grabbed him. Guilt floods my body, just now realizing what I said, I call after him.

"John!" I run after him. He holds up his middle finger and walks around the corner.

What have I done


I honestly cannot believe what Alexander said to me yesterday. He told me to 'fuck off, and get away from his friends.' What did I do?! I'm honestly so confused, I need to get out.

I gather some books and money so I could go out and see if Laff wanted to hang out. After I put my things in my bag, I'm out the door. As I walk down the busy street, I see John and Alex. They seem to be arguing. Alex says something that ticks off John, and he walks off, flipping Alex off. 

As John brushed past the people in the street, he caught sight of me. My eyes widen in fear, he looked so angry, and I ran off into the nearby rose garden, forgetting about going to Laff's house. I quickly greet some ladies walking in the garden, the Schuyler sisters I believe. They nod to me, and giggle as I trip. 

"You have to get away, now. He's mad at you." The menacing, sickly sweet voice trickles in through me. As I run farther and farther into the maze of roses, the voice repeats over and over again- "He's coming for you..."

I find a hidden spot in the roses, and try to block out the voice. After I had tried just about everything, just my luck, John was standing above me as I stupidly clutched the sides of my head. He watched in shock as tears rolled down my cold cheeks. 

"Is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." John knelt down next to me, moving roses out of his way. He put his warm hand on my shoulder, making my feel just a bit better.

I shake my head 'no'. I did not feel okay, and him being there just made it worse. I brushed his hand away from my shoulder, and stood up. "I don't know what you want from me... Alex said that I needed to get away from you guys. I'm ruining your friendship." I cross my arms, trying to stop the tears threatening to fall.

"What!? Alex said that to you? That is the last straw, first he's going around, telling people that you're a leech, and now he's told you to stay away from your friends?! Ridiculous." John yells, throwing his hands in the air. When he said 'your friends', a warmness spread across my face. Friends, my friends.. I stared at John with disbelief. 

"I'm.. your friend?" Looking him in his bright hazel-green eyes, no, staring him down, shock written across my face.

"Why, of course? Do you think otherwise?" John looked back into my ice-blue eyes. My warm face couldn't have gotten any redder, but boy, it did. His eyes were so soft and full of understanding, I could see that he really did care. I just about hugged him.

"It's just.. Well... I thought.. It was a collective decision to get rid of me.." I shrug, rubbing my cold arms. Though, I didn't really feel cold.

"Leon!? Why would you think that? We would hate to see you go. Alex is just jealous. He was the center of attention before you, I guess." John put his coat over my shoulders. His coat smelled of typical man smell. Soap, sweat, and more sweat. But it was more comforting than warm, so I took it.

"Thanks John. You know, you're real sweet. I bet the ladies all love you." I giggle on the last bit. I see his ears turn pink.

"I guess you could say that..." John looked at a fallen rose, avoiding my gaze. He looked so innocent, his freckles and doe eyes just added to the effect. "Should we go somewhere to eat? I'll pay, my treat." He regained himself, and held out his hand for me.

John helps me up. "Sure, I'll tag along." I give him his jacket back, and grab my satchel bag thing (Tf author hoe). We walk along the pier to a cute little restaurant. It looked like a place for a....     

a date... 

oh no....

"I told you, he knows..." The voice echoes in my head. I tug on John's sleeve.

"Hey, I don't want to be a bother, but... I just remembered I have to be over at Laff's house. He invited me over." I wasn't exactly lying, but it felt wrong. John's face fell for a moment, but he perked back up. 

"Do you want me to escort you?" He smiles sweetly, but it just seemed so fake. Guild floods my head as I watch him contort his smile into something so fake, it was just unreal.

"Uh, yes, thank you. But, should it really matter? I'm just going to Laff's house?" I feel so dirty and rude, I need to get home, now. He sighed loudly.

"Fine, I'll just go home. If you don't want my company." I feel hot tears flood my eyes. This must look ridiculous, an almost grown 'man', crying over another man. I feel so disgusting in my own skin.

"That's not what I meant! Do you want to come to my house with me? I have to take a bath and clean, but that wouldn't be a problem, and Laff is probably out doing things let's not disturb him." I blurt out all at once. John gave me a weird look, his eyebrows raised as far as they could possibly go.

"Sure? If, well, um... Sure, why not.." He shrugs and walks with me back to my house.

What did I get myself into...

(1221 words)

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