Chapter One

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 I sighed, and added the final touches to my room. I am starting Riverdale high tomorrow, I had just moved over from the South Side. I didn't really have any friends over there, I didn't really feel like I belonged there. I wasn't a druggie, or an alcoholic, or violent. I was an outcast, but not an "outcast" like them. I was a bookworm, quiet in the back of the room, thick framed glasses, always in the library. The South Side library sucked, never anything to read, well, nothing that I was interested in. I had grey walls, that would soon be covered with posters and magazine pieces and writings and canvas' covered in color. I had an antique white vanity that had a few makeup things on it, and a picture of me on my birthday with my family. Me, my older brother, my mom and my dad.

I was left on a street corner waiting for my parents one day, they never came back for me. I was later sent into foster care, a nice couple adopted me and my older brother after being told they couldn't conceive. The picture was taken last year, when we lived in the South Side. I have never been happier than when I was with them.

I went down to dinner after setting up my easel in the corner of my room. I grab a plate and pile food onto it and sit down with a glass of juice. My brother, Chris, sat next to me, ruffling my brown hair, making me giggle. "How do you like the house so far squirt?" he asked me, I nod. "It is nice, and bigger than the trailer we were in." he grinned and said that he had to show me something when we were done. "Hope, do you have everything ready for school tomorrow?" Mom asked. "Yeah, I think so, my bag is packed, I have an outfit ready and I know the route." she smiled at me, kissing my head before sitting at the end of the table. "You will look after her won't you?" Mom asked Chris, he nods. "Yeah, no way I am letting her go off on her own." he winked at me, bumping my shoulder. We ate in silence for a bit and we heard the door. "Dad!" I shout, running to the door. He was taking off his jacket, with a relieved sigh. "Hello Hope. How is the house so far?" he asked I smile. "Great. I already have my room set up and everything is ready for tomorrow." he beamed at me. "That is great. I have a present for you, sweetie." he said, handing me a box. I look at him confused and open it.

It was a beautiful necklace, it was a heart shaped jewel with silver wrapping around it like vines. "Dad this is beautiful! Thank you!" I hug him and put it on. He laughed and followed me to the table. We sat and ate, talking about plans for the week, unpacking and shopping for a few final touches for the house. When we were done, I did the dishes with Chris, excited for his surprise.

He wrapped a blindfold around my eyes and guided me outside. He told me we were in the backyard. I heard him open a door, I got confused, were we going back inside? "Okay, you can take off the blindfold." he instructed, and I take it off, gaping at the room. "What is this?" I ask in glee. "It is a shed. I worked hard to help with the house and the previous owners had a shed and I asked if I could keep it and clean it up and they agreed! For a few hundred dollars, but it was worth it. And it is yours!" I gasp and hug him, looking around the shed. It was a nice size, it was tall enough to have a loft, which it did, it had two. I grin, looking around. "Thank you, Chris! So much!"

I know this was a short chapter but I am working on making the rest of them longer, this was just a starter chapter, so not a whole lot was going on. Thanks for reading!

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