The Wedding

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*A few months after graduation*

I was getting ready, we were having the wedding inside, but going outside afterward

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I was getting ready, we were having the wedding inside, but going outside afterward. I was grinning like mad. I was so excited, and nervous, and I was feeling all these emotions. But I was ready. I look at myself in the mirror, I looked beautiful! Betty, Veronica, and my adoptive mom were helping me get ready, Veronica had just put the finishing touches on my makeup, and mom put the final clip in my hair. My chest tightened in excitement, I couldn't wait. I ran the name over in my head over and over again, Hope Jones. "Sweetheart, you are beaming," Mom said, hugging me from behind. "Don't start crying hun, you'll mess up my mascara," Veronica laughed and everyone looked at me. Betty and Veronica were dressed in blue and gold dresses, and mom was dressed in something similar. "You look stunning Hope, Jug is going to love it!" Betty insists. I purse my pink painted lips.

"Is it safe?" I heard my dad ask. I laugh and told him to come in. He was freshly shaven and dressed in a suit. My adoptive dad came in shortly after him. Both of them were near tears at the sight of me. "You look brilliant Hope," my adoptive dad spoke, my biological father nodded in agreement, kissing my head. "I was always wanting to do this, and I feel Jughead is one of the only people I would trust to hand you over to," I smile and kiss his cheek. "Thank you, dad. Now listen, I know this is going to be a one-time thing, and I was raised with both of you. So dads, would you both do me the honor of walking me down the aisle?" they nod with tears in their eyes, and hug me. We both head to the doors when we heard the wedding music. I had butterflies in my stomach, and I could barely stand. But I walked, I walked down the white aisle and my eyes met a very handsome Jughead. He was dressed in a black suit and he didn't have his hat on. His hair was slick back, Archie was behind him, looking at Veronica as if it were his own wedding day. I kissed my dads and they kiss my cheeks, telling Jughead to be good to me. Our vows were promises that we would be good to each other.

"Jughead Jones, I swear I never thought that this day would come. I thought that no one would want to love me long enough to stretch into forever. You proved to me that no matter what, you will be there to support me, to help me when I am my lowest, and to steal my fries. We had our trials because I feel and love so deeply, but now we join each other for one of the biggest trials in life. We will not only be a trial for ourselves, but for the world. They will not know what to do with us. You have taken care of me when I am sick, and when I have been in the hospital. And for everything in the future. Jughead Jones, I promise I will do the same for you, every day you allow me to, and with my stubbornness even when you don't want me to. And now, Jughead, you are stuck with me. I love you more than anything. I promise to love you every day of our lives," I put the ring on his finger, and he looked like he was going to cry.

"Hope Thorne, I love you more than all the words I have written in my life, I love you more than the stars I see in your eyes. I love you more than any word can describe. You have made my life brighter, and in those trials we encountered, we have only held on tighter. I can't imagine one of those days when I stayed away. I hope you will stay in my life longer than forever. I love you so much and will do so every day. You became something of a miracle to me and my dad. I am so grateful I met you, and would never do anything to hurt you. I will do anything I can to be with you, even if it threatens myself. With this ring, I will make our story a happy ending." I was in tears myself. "You may now kiss the bride," the priest said and Jughead pulled me in for the kiss, which I happily accepted. I grab his tux in my hand and our lips remained joined for another minute. There were cheers everywhere and we were soon greeted by our friends and family. Walking to us was Jughead's dad, smiling despite being cuffed and surrounded by guards. I laugh and hug him. "Hi FP," he smirked. "Call me dad, kiddo," I grin at him and hug him again, Jughead hugged him as well. We chatted for a bit, he congratulated us and more people came up to us.

The reception was beautiful! There were fairy lights everywhere, along the trees, in the tablecloths

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The reception was beautiful! There were fairy lights everywhere, along the trees, in the tablecloths. The music was specifically picked out to fit me and Jughead's music taste, no matter if others hate it. Soon, I Promise by Set It Off was playing, and me and Jughead swayed back and forth to the beat of the song. Both softly smiling. When the song ended, dad wanted a dance. I obliged happily and we danced to another song. "You have grown up so much, baby girl. I am so very proud of you," I smile at him and kiss his cheek. "I love you dad, thank you for watching over me, even when I hated you," he laughed softly and nodded. "I will always be watching over you baby," he kissed my head once more and let me go. The rest of the night me and Jughead were talking to other people until we all left for our honeymoon.

Okay, guys, I am so happy with this, and I know it is short, but I was kinda rushing through it. I hope you guys love it and I hope you continue loving it even after I finish. This is the last chapter. Other than the epilogue. I love you guys, thanks for the support, later!

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