Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up and looked at Jughead's face. It was calm, he wasn't deep in thought with his eyebrows furrowed, he wasn't angry or sad, he just was. I smile and kiss his cheek, then grab a pair of clothes and head to the bathroom. I get dressed and it was cold outside, so I grab my serpent jacket and put it by my bag. I sit on the bed next to Jughead. "Jug, you gotta get up," I whisper in his ear. I hear him groan and shake his head. "Come on, Juggie. You know you want to," I lie. He didn't want to, he and I knew it. "No I don't, you liar," he said tiredly. With his eyes still closed, he grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. "If you get up I will get you a burger at Pop's." I say in a sing song voice. One eye opens. "And a kiss," both his eyes were open and he was sitting up.

I smile and laugh, and put my lips on his. I felt him smile into the kiss. When I pull away he lays back down. I scoff teasingly. "Fine, no burger for you then," he shot up and got out of bed. "I'm up!" I laugh and we head to the kitchen, I grab my jacket and bag. I put them on the couch and grab an apple. "You want anything before we head out Jug?" I ask. "Yeah, what do you have?" I tell him we have pancakes and he came in and took them. We eat quickly and head out. I put my jacket on and Jughead looked at it. "You know people will hate you more if you show up with the jacket on." I shrug. "I don't care anymore. I really don't. Because I know I can defend myself now. If someone wants a fight with me, they will have one," I state, and hold Jughead's hand.

We get to school and find our friends. Everyone had their eyes on my back, looking at the snake embroidery on the leather jacket. I smirk as they whisper. "She is really a serpent? Wow. How dare she show her face here," I laugh and find my friends. Their eyes only glance at the snake once, then smile at me. "You two are so cute," Betty giggled and hugged me. I go to my locker and grab my books, ignoring the notes piled up at the bottom of my locker. I get to my class and take notes, receiving a few as well. They hit my head and back. When the teacher left the room, I finish taking the notes. One more note hit the back of my head. I calmly clear my throat and turn in my seat. "Would you mind, some of us are trying to learn." I was dangerously calm, this was one of the only times this has happened. "Why?" the person a few desks behind me asked. "Because I am trying to pay attention in class, and you should to. Might put something in that empty head, you degenerate." I state. He looked confused. "I have stuff in my brain." I nod, not convinced.

"Other than what you want to do to those River vixens over there?" I point to the pretty cheerleaders, who glared at me for pointing them out. "No, not just that. I know between good and bad. I am just hitting the bad with paper wads." I roll my eyes. "Sure. But, just remember," I lean forward, towards the idiot. "The bad hits back," the teacher came back in the room and I give an evil smirk to the scared boy. Class ends and I head to the next class.

Lunch rolls around and I find Jughead. I kiss him and he said, "How about instead of you getting me a burger, I get you something instead?" he asked. "Is this your way of asking me on a date?" I raise an eyebrow. "Maybe," He teased. "I would love to." I kiss him once more and we go sit with the others. "How was school wearing that jacket so far, Hope?" Veronica jokes. I notice Cheryl coming up to us. "We are about to find out." I raise an eyebrow and stand up. "You think you are being funny? This is some joke correct?" Cheryl said straight away.

"I don't know what you are talking about Cheryl. Weren't you the one saying that I was a serpent. So you knew this." I tease her. "Yeah, but I never expected you to actually wear the jacket! In public, why don't you go back to the snake pit?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "You don't tell me what to do, Blossom. I get that you are hurting from what your family went through, but that gives you no right to judge me for being who I am. Because I wasn't a serpent until last night." she rolled her eyes. "Sure, because I am going to believe you. Growing up with serpents and being friends with them must have made you one to. I bet you were one of the most popular snakes in the-" I slap her, her sneer dropped into a surprised gasp. "I wasn't popular at all. I was thrown against walls and fences and called names until I was in tears. You don't know me at all. I never once hung out with any of the students. The only serpents I ever hung out with were my parents until I was abandoned. So don't you ever say I grew up with them." I growl and she held her cheek. She glared at me and walked off.

"I can't believe you did that!" Kevin said in shock. "Yeah, well I was getting kind of annoyed at her ignorance." I state, glaring in her direction. Jughead wrapped his arm around my waist, he placed his face in the crook of my neck, which for some reason relaxed me. "So was I, Hope. I really annoyed the crap out of me." he mumbled and kissed my shoulder. I heard a click and Veronica had her phone out. "Sorry," she said and put her phone away. "No you aren't. Stop with the pictures though," I laugh and she smiled at me. "But it's cute!" I blush and hide my face. "I have to finish the section for the blue and gold. I will see you after school, Hope." Jughead kissed me before departing. I smile at him as he walked away. I plop my head in my hand. "You got it bad," Veronica noted. "That obvious?" I tease with a chuckle. "Gotta get to class. See you later," I say and grab my bag, heading to class.

After school, I get to my locker, which was littered in notes I sigh, opening my locker where even more notes fell out of it. I put my bag in my locker and started to clean the mess up. I pick up the notes. "Hey Hope. What's going on?" Jughead asked, and started helping me clean up. "More notes on me being serpent trash I bet." I say nonchalantly, tossing the notes in the trash without reading them. "Hey," He pulled me against him. "You know you aren't trash, right?" Jughead asked, raising an eyebrow cutely. I nod with a smile. "Of course I do. You won't let me forget it," I smirk and kiss him. "Now, if I remember correctly, we have a date at Pop's." I nod. "Yup. Let's go," I grab my bag and we head out.

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