Chapter Thirty-Two

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*Jughead's POV*

Allen pulled me up from my seat across from Betty, "What happened to loving my daughter, huh, Jughead?" he demanded. "Allen, put him down!" Pop shouted at Allen, who put me down, letting go of my shirt. I step back. Betty stood up, "No, Mr. Thorne, you have this all wrong! He just wanted to cheer me up, I was really upset about Hope not answering and when I found out that she was sick I thought it was my fault. Don't hurt him," Betty pleaded. Allen sighed. "I am sorry, Betty. She is really sick and still hurt. It was good being honest with her, thank you for that, but telling her at a better time would be nice as well. But it isn't your fault, and it isn't Jughead's that she is sick or hurt. She chose your happiness over hers, because she is like that, no matter how much she needs it, she always chooses the happiness of those she loves. And Jug you should talk to her about that, because you made her happy, you were her new start and she really loves you. Don't upset her more than she is, even if she won't admit it, she really wants you to be with her and doesn't want you with anyone else." Allen explained to me, I knew she did love me, which is why I was so confused and upset when she told me to be with Betty.

I do care for Betty, but not like that, she is a friend and I hope she realizes that. "I will, I promise. And just so you know, sir," I pause and watch his right eyebrow raise. "I do love Hope, more than anything. Don't accuse me of not loving her again, because I am protective over my opinions, but I am also extremely protective of my facts," I state with a serious face. He nodded, we were staring each other down. "Okay then, I will need you to prove that Jug. Not just saying it," I nod. "Don't think I won't," I threaten and he grabbed some food and left with Hope's siblings.

"Jug, I am going to go home. Thanks for the lunch," Betty said. I nod. "Yeah, no problem," it was a problem, it is what caused me to take ten steps back with Hope's dad. She smiled at me sadly and left. I sat down and asked Pop Tate for a cup of coffee, which he obliged to and poured me a cup. I nod in thanks and took a drink of the burning caffeine. I sat in silence and stare at the blackness that started to disappear with every sip. The darkness reminded me of Hope's hair, it was a beautiful flowy brown, it was soft and smelt like vanilla and cinnamon. I loved it, pulling the mug to my lips brought flashbacks of when I would kiss her, and her lips laced with french vanilla flavoring from her coffee, making the kiss so much sweeter. Oh god, I miss her. Knowing she was sick tugged at my heart, she drove all the way to Betty's and back and then to my place and back, which is how she got sick. I just want to love her back to health, which is what I need to be doing, but I was told to stay away.

I wasn't going to stay away. I pay and thank Pop for the coffee and walk outside. I start for Hope's house, but first to get some soup and tissues and water. I would also bring a blanket just in case. I get to the general store and buy those things and head out. I get to Hope's house and get to her shed, avoiding the house in case I am thrown out or banned or whatever Allen wants to do to me. I was going to knock, but I knew she would tell me to go away. I open the door and see Hope curled up on her bed buried underneath layers of blankets and tissues and empty water bottles. She looked uncomfortable and sad. I sigh and shut the door, but she was fast asleep so she didn't notice. I quietly clean off the tissues into a trash bag along with the water bottles and set my items on the table. When the bed was cleaned off, I found Hope's beautiful face. It was flushed red and she had bags under her eyes. I sigh and feel her head and cheek with the inside of my forearm.

She was burning up. I set some of the water bottles in her mini fridge and wet down a wash rag with cold water. I put it on Hope's forehead, which was kind of difficult due to her laying sideways, but I managed to get it on there steadily. I set a water bottle on Hope's nightstand and listen to her gurgled breathing. She seemed really sick, and I hated to see her like that. I started making a pot of coffee so that way I could stay awake to make sure Hope's needs were taken care of. I take a sip of my coffee and lean against the counter, watching the beautiful and sick girl sleeping, curled up under blankets. I notice she started to move, a soft groan escaped her lips and she touched her head, which was hidden under the white rag. She opened her beautiful silver eyes that were dull from illness and sadness. I set down my black mug that I have claimed from Hope's collection as my own and walk to her side.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask, she looked at me and shook her head. "You shouldn't be here," she grumbled. "Don't worry about me, I am here for you. For now you need to get better and you can't do that with stress laying over your head," I stated, she let a tear slip, but I wipe it away. "No, no, no. Don't cry, shh. I am right here, don't worry about anything now, I am here to take care of you. Shh," I hand her the water bottle and she took a few long drinks from it. I go to heat up the soup for her but she is already back to half asleep. "Jug?" she called, I look at her tired state. "Can I have some ibuprofen?" she asked. I nod. "Yeah, hold on," I smile softly at her and shake two of the small painkillers into my hand and take them over to her. "You can have more later if you really need it," I explain and set the two red pills in her hand. She tried for a weak smile but grimaced instead, taking the painkillers in her mouth and taking another drink of water. She sighed and leaned against the wall behind her bed. "Go back to sleep, I will have food ready for you when you wake up," she looked upset. "You don't have to do this for me Jughead, I can handle myself," she lied, she couldn't, not like this. I shake my head. "Go to sleep, beautiful, I will be here when you wake up," she nodded sadly and laid back on her pillow, curled up in the blanket that was making her warm. I stop her quickly, "Hope, you need to make sure you don't get too warm, take off some clothes, you can be under your blankets and not get too hot," she nodded and shifted uncomfortably under her blankets.

I peel off the blankets and watch as Hope struggled to get her sweats off under the covers. She blushed even redder than she already was. "Go away," she groaned. "I am helping, I swear on my life I won't try anything," I promise and she stopped struggling. I tug at her sweats and take them off of her sweaty legs. Goosebumps covered her body and I could tell her skin was irritated. When I get the sweats off I instantly go to take off her shirt, doing my best to make sure she doesn't have to sit up. When the tank top was off she didn't hesitate to hide under her covers. I chuckle lightly at her actions and went to go sit back down. "Let me know if you need -" before I could finish the sentence, she was snoring again, I give a lopsided smile and finish off my coffee. I heard a knock on the door and hear Allen from the other side, "Hope? How are you feeling? Can I come in?" He asked I held my breath, but he must have heard the snores and said he would come back later. I sigh in relief and look at the beautiful girl hidden away from the world in her dreams and under covers. I stay for the rest of the day, making sure Hope was taken care of, I know her dad would, but he had work and other kids to take care of, so I was here all day.

Hey guys, thank you for being so patient with me! I was having some difficulty with Wattpad so I couldn't update last night but I have updated now. Thank yo guys for reading, I just made it over 300 reads a day or two ago, so I thank you guys and I hope you enjoy, I will try to update again soon.

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