Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I wake up next to Jughead, who was sitting up and had his head in his hands. His back was to me, rising and falling unevenly. He was shirtless and was in a pair of sweats. I didn't say anything, I just put my hand gently on his back, making him jump. "What is it Jug?" I ask. It was still dark out, and I look to see it was nearly 4 in the morning. He looked back at me from over his shoulder and sighed. "It is nothing," I sit up and hug him from behind. "It isn't nothing if it woke you up at this hour. Tell me, Jug," I gently command, he sighed again, and turned to face me, having tears in his eyes. "What if it doesn't work out, what if we really are too young," I shake my head, eyebrows furrowed. "What if I become like my dad, I don't want-" I interrupt him with a kiss, he sniffled while holding my face in his hands. "Jughead Jones, if I know you like I am absolutely positive I do, you will do whatever it takes not to be like him. Yeah, FP wasn't the best father but he is still there for you. You, I know, you will do whatever you can to give a good life to our future son or daughter. You are stressing over it now, which is how I know you care,"

"I don't want to let you down," he whispered, running his knuckles over my cheek, I hold his hand against my face. "Jughead, you won't," I kiss him again and tell him to lay down. "You should talk to Betty and Veronica," Jughead stated. I nod. "Yeah, I need to, I miss my friends," I reply. Jughead wrapped his arms around my waist and kept me as close to him as I could possibly be, which I gladly obliged because I was cold. "You are cold aren't you?" he asked, mumbling into my hair. I giggle and nod, then he put more blankets on us and took my hands to his mouth, breathing on them to make them warm. I blush and smile at him, he kissed my forehead and said, "You are completely and utterly beautiful. There is not another person on this earth that I could want with me," he confessed and I nod. "I would rather no one else to be by my side," he smiled and kissed me again before we fell asleep for the second time tonight.


I woke up and got dressed before Jughead. Quietly I picked up my phone and stepped outside, it was relatively nice out and I dialed Betty's number. She didn't pick up, so I left a voicemail. "Hey Betty. I want to explain what happened and apologize for getting upset and lashing out, if you would like to have the explanation, I would like to have you, Veronica, and Archie at Pop's for lunch at, say, 1. Call me when you get the chance," I finish and go back inside, Jughead was still asleep. I smile and kiss his cheek before starting a pot of coffee. When it was halfway full, I notice Jughead stirring. I was finishing some homework up and was leaning against the wall against my bed. Jughead grumbled my name and threw an arm around my waist. "Jug, I am busy," I whine and he pulled me closer, making my laptop fall on the bed and me against his chest. "You can do it later," He teased, making me laugh.

"It is due in two hours," he let go and told me not to wake him up until coffee was ready. "Jug," I pause. "The coffee pot is done," he jolted up and put on some jeans and went to the coffee pot, pouring two mugs for him and me. We sat on the bed, Jughead watched as I write down my essays and end them in a flourish. "You are an amazing writer," he complimented. "Maybe, but who is the one writing a novel?" I ask with a smile, he looked down with a blush on his face. I kiss his cheek, and he looked up, grabbing my chin gently, kissing me slowly. I smile into the kiss, and grab his hair keeping him close to me. "You are perfect," Jughead whispered against my mouth. I smile, "Far from it, actually," he held me to his chest, and laid us down on my bed. I look at the time, and I finish getting ready. "Where are you going?" he asked. "I am meeting Betty at Pop's, if she shows up," I state and get my shoes on. He nodded. "Do you want me to come?" I shake my head. "I don't want to hide behind you, Jug. I will go by myself," He sighed and kissed my head. "Fine, just be careful," I nod and leave, it was nearing the time.

I get to Pop's and sit down. "Please get here soon," I whisper, Pop hands me a chocolate shake. I smile at him shakily and wait for Betty. She opened the door and Betty and Archie showed up behind her. She looked suspicious, Veronica looked irritated, and Archie looked like he didn't know what to think. They sit down across from me, looking squashed. I scoot over, "Someone could sit over here, there is plenty of room," they shook their heads. I furrow my eyebrows and nod. "Look, guys, I am really really-"

"Just explain," Veronica demanded. "Drop the niceties," she stated, crossing her arms. I nod again and look to my shake for comfort, wishing that I had accepted Jughead's offer of him coming with me. "Well, Betty, I was just really sick, I wasn't mad at you at all. I was just upset that I knew I cared about your happiness and that I would give up Jug for that reason. And guys, as much as I wanted to talk to you, I was so afraid of you being upset with me that I kind of avoided my phone. And when Lee stole it, and took advantage of it, I had no clue. I swear. I thought he was just hungry and I genuinely thought he needed help with school. Guys, I swear I had no clue," I explain, Betty's stone cold look softened and she stood up and hugged me. I cry into her shoulder. "I didn't know if you were going to come or not, I thought you hated me," I say, she shook her head.

"No, I was just, I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know," I smile, then it faltered when I looked at a stern looking Veronica and Archie. I look down, getting Veronica's forgiveness would be harder, who knows about Archie. I wait for straight rejection that will come from her mouth, but she stood up and came to hug me. "I am sorry I didn't believe you, Hope. I know how it happens when you are purposely framed. All is forgiven," Archie hugged me as well, saying that he is going to kick Lee's butt. I laugh. "I actually tried a week ago, I was turned into a bloody corpse," I say, Veronica, Betty, and Archie looked furious. "He. Did. What?" Archie looked tense. I nod, "He is expelled now, but thanks guys," we all hug and sit back down, celebrating our restored friendship with a large basket of fries.

Hello my beautiful readers, I am extremely happy right now. I got pretty much the entire school week off due to the horrendous weather outside, and I am spending it writing non-stop (I read that as the Hamilton song just then). I hope you guys have enjoyed this, I am planning on stopping this story somewhere around 40 to 45 chapters, but if you guys want it longer I will see what I can do. I think this chapter has been kind of tying together some loose ends with making everyone friends again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading and I will update soon.

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