Chapter 2

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As we pulled out of the driveway, Mom turned and looked at me, her gorgeous blonde hair cascading over her shoulder and down to the middle of her seat. She takes off her sunglasses and stares at me with her hazel eyes, then smiles with those beautiful white teeth of hers.

I smile back, but I have a pain in my chest, swelling up inside until I can't breathe. My mom has always been there for my brother and I, and once we move out there won't be anyone to take care of her. My dad's gone, Alex will be gone next year, and myself after him. She's going to be all alone and all I can do is sit and stare at her wonderful self thinking how selfish someone could be to leave her here.

How could someone so beautiful have someone break her heart, actually.. more like tear it apart, and dump her on the street with two kids. Well lets see, my dad, nonono my sperm part of the family (that's more like it), did and a lot douches after her. She was married to Spermie and then got dumped after he got tired of her. All the guys she dated did the same thing. They only wanted meaningless sex from her, which she turned down, and then they kicked her right in her heart. Every last shitty one. I don't understand how those guys could hurt her, let alone kick her out onto the street. All those times we were kicked out and it was raining and cold. Sometimes it would happen during a snow storm or a tornado warning, but they didnt care about our safety, they just wanted us out. And that's what they got.

Even people on the street would stare at us in disgust, just because they were looking at a women with two kids in the pouring rain, cold ass snow, or IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING TORNADO. They wouldn't should pitty, wouldn't give us money. All they saw was a bunch of rags. All we were to them was a poor lot that they'd have to give money to for God knows what. For all they know, we could've been wanting money for drugs, or just pretending so we can get money that we really don't need. Or even worst, they could've thought that we would rob them once they got their wallets out. Whatever it was, it made them hate us and probably wanting us dead, and that's what we would've been if my mother hadn't called Grandma for help. For the support and money we needed, and that's what we got.

But that isn't going to happen again.

None of that shit will happen anymore, I'll make sure of it.

OMG GUYS !! IM BACK !! Im SOOO sorry that it took FOREVER for me to update& you can hate me for that. But i just wanted to let you know why. I had this PERFECT way of doing this chapter, but then I went to sleep& when i woke up.. well I had forgotten so I was screwed. Then theres this problem at my mommys house (yes i know im fifteen& i should call her mom but just stfu if you have anything to say about what i call my mother #sorrynotsorry lol) and i havent been there in over.. ohh IDK.. 3 MONTHS. I ONLY GET TO CALL HER& DO YOU KNOWW HOW HARRRDDD IT IS YO HANG UP EVERY FREAKING TIME AND NOTTT CRYY!??!?! So yah, thats why.

And this chapter was going to be SOOO different than this, but i thought id give a little background on her moms lovelife c;; and it was getting interesting lol. SO HERE YOU GO GUYS!! Im also going to try and dedicate people once i get more viewers& all that good STUFF& CALM YOUR TITS, LUKE WILL BE IN HERE SOON. JUST. BE PATIENT MY YOUNG TADPOLES. HE WILL BE HERE.



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