Chika meets the gang

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Chika smirked up at the arrogant man, tilting her head to the side slightly. "Generous, huh? Well, I'm not sure what answer it is that you are looking for, Fluffy, but I can assure you that I wouldn't give it to you if I knew it!" Her two previous companions watched her with admiration as she stood there, holding her own against the Lord of the Western Lands. The Lord, of course, seemed anything but amused. Although it didn't show on his face, the other two males picked up on his anger just from his scent.

"Call me that again, wench, and I'll have your head." His voice was still calm and smooth, no trace of the anger that he was actually feeling. Chika just shrugged her shoulder, giving him her back once more. "Well, if you would have given me your name to start with, then I wouldn't have had to make one up." With that, she began to walk away.

"I did not say you could leave wench." The man's tone was silk, but his patience seemed to be wavering as the slight hint of anger seeped into his words.

Without looking back at him, Chika replied, "And you, sir, have yet to give me your name. I was always told not to talk to strangers."Her remark was followed by Inuyasha and Koga snickering. The man shot them both a deadly look before addressing Chika. 

"I am the Lord of the Western Lands, Lord Sesshomaru." She stopped and turned back to him. He bowed deeply and elegantly to her. She nodded her head to him slightly.

“My name is Chika," she said, “It is a pleasure Lord Sesshoumaru. Now, if I may be so bold, might I ask what you were talking about?" She crossed her arms in front of her and stared directly at him.

"You smell funny." His terse response brought yet another round of snickering from Koga and Inuyasha. This time it was Chika handing out the menacing glares. She then returned her attention to Sesshoumaru, and gave him one of those glares as well.

"I what!” she fairly screeched at him. He showed no sign of humor or amusement, just the same expressionless mask on his face.

"You smell human, but not human. There is something else to you, and I want to know what it is." His thoughts raced on what the answer could be. Indeed, she must be powerful, or she thought she was, to stand up to him without cringing.

"Oh…" she fairly whispered, then furrowed her brow, ‘Maybe it’s my inner-demon scent has become activate, but the blood is not so I have to wait till the right moment.’ Chika thought with no movement to show that she knows Sesshomaru answer is, the other two were present in the scene. Koga inhaled deeply, and then nodded.

"He's right, Chika," Koga said in a matter-of-fact tone, "You do smell different than an average human." Inuyasha was also nodding his agreement. She glared at them, then put her right hand on her forehead and exhaled. ‘Did my parents have this problem or I’m the first one.’ She look up the three canine, when she sense 5 aura; 2 female,1 male, and two demon heading there way. Chika look to the right of where is at while the demon trio wonder why she looking at, then they heard voice. They look to see a small group turned their attention to the people that were making their way cautiously toward them.

Chika was right there are 2 female;one girl dressed in a modern school girl outfit while the outer one dressed in a pink and green kimono with a big boomerang,the one male dressed in a traditional purple and black robes,the attire of a monk. ‘Great,lets hope they wont give me a headache.’ Chika thought as she rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. ‘I should have finish my training before coming here.’

"Kagome!', Koga cried and made his way to the girl in the school uniform. "How is my woman doing today?" The girl rolled her eyes at him, but smiled, albeit nervously.

"I'm fine, Koga. And please, I am not your woman." Chika suppressed a giggle, and dropped her head to conceal the amusement on her face. When she looked up again, the monk was standing before. He wasn't bad looking, with his black hair pulled back into a small pony tail, and his dark eyes shinning with merriment. She also noticed that he had a strand of prayer beads wrapped around his right hand. He caught her off guard when he grabbed both of her hands.

"Beautiful Lady, will you do me the supreme honor of bearing my child?" She was shocked, but it soon turned to anger as she felt his hand move over the curve of her hip and across her ass. Without even thinking about it, she slammed her fist into his grinning face.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?! And to answer your question…HELL NO!!!", she shouted down at him while he laid on the ground where he had landed from the force of her blow. Of course, everyone else was laughing their asses off at him.

"He does that to every girl he meets," Kagome explained. "By the way, I'm Kagome," she pointed at the other girl, "That is Sango. She is a demon exterminator," she tilted her head toward the man on the ground, "And you've already met Miroku." A small voice chimed in after Kagome had finished.

"I'm Shippo!" Chika looked down, and saw the child that she had seen earlier, and smiled warmly at him.

"I'm Chika." She introduced herself, still smiling. A cold, smooth voice broke into the conversation then.

"I still don't have my answer." Chika looked back at Sesshomaru and sighed heavily.

"And I am getting a headache from that damn question of yours." By this time, all eyes were glued to her and Sesshomaru, waiting to see what was going to happen next. The two of them just stood there, staring at each other in silence for what seemed like an eternity, when Kagome spoke.

" Chika, how about coming with us back to the village. You can get something to eat and a good night's rest there." She smiled broadly at Chika.

"That sounds like a capital idea, Kagome." With that she began following Kagome back towards the forest, followed by Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and the cat looking creature, leaving Koga, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru just staring at their rapidly disappearing forms.

"Well," Sesshomaru began, "What are we waiting for?" With that, he took off after the small band, and was almost beside them by the time Inuyasha and Koga had actually regained their senses, and started off after them.

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