Chika meet koga and the Lord of the Western Land

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Chika was running at top speed now.She had always been a good runner, always the fastest in her family, in her whole school for that matter. She thought that it was the one thing that made her special, different in a good way.Now she was depending on her running talent since her inner-demon power isn't develop yet. ‘I wish that I have my inner-demon strength now. But I have to wait till fully develop.’ Chika thought as she took another look over her shoulder at the creature, and ran into something solid.Chika fell back onto the ground, landing hard enough to effectively know the breathe out of her.She knew it wasn't a tree or a rock, because the field had been completely flat, with nothing at all in the landscape that she could run into.

Opening her eyes and looking up, she found herself staring into a man's face.He had bright, sea blue eyes, raven black hair in a high ponytail, what appeared to be a headband made of fur around his head, and a smile that was much too sensual.He extended a hand to her, which she gladly accepted, and helped her up.

"Seems that you have a slightly problem," he said, glancing past her to the reptile.He emitted a low growl then, noticing that Inuyasha was right on its tail, sword drawn, trying to find an opening for an attack.."What's he doing here?” the boy exactly talking to her, just voicing his thoughts aloud.Suddenly he turned back to her, still smiling,"Just stay here and I will dispatch this thing before you know it."With that he headed toward the creature in what Chika could only call a tornado.

 Chika watched in amazement as Inuyasha and this boy attacked the demon. Inuyasha swung his sword with grace and power, and the boy attacked with what appeared to be claws. It wasn't long before the creature lay dead in the field and the two warriors noticed one another.

"So, what are you doing here, mutt? And where is my woman?"

"Look, wolf pup, she ain't your woman! So give it a rest."

"She is my woman! Who do you think you are?"

"Look here, you bastard, she isn't yours!"

Chika listened as the two argued, oblivious to the fact that she was still standing there.She was quickly becoming bored; the exchange between the two boys was becoming more and more childish by the minute. 'They are worst then a 7 year old twin cousin.' She bent down to dust her hiking boots off, when the two suddenly fell silent.She slowly glanced up to see too sets of eyes, one blue, one gold, on her.She smiled slightly at then brought herself up to her full height, which wasn't anything but average.Both boys still practically towered over her. Chika have the same height as them.

"Sorry, wench, I should have introduced myself before," the boy she had slammed into said to her, "My name is Koga, Prince of the South." He bowed slightly; she inclined her head slightly to him. "So, what were you doing hanging around with mutt-face here?" Inuyasha growled at Koga then, and was about to say something to him when he suddenly started sniffing the air.

"Shit," Inuyasha said, "We need to get outta here, and fast." He started toward Chika, when suddenly there was someone standing in his way. He had his back to Chika, and basically all she saw was silver. He had hair just like Inuyasha's, only considerably longer. She could tell there were two swords at his side, and he had a fluffy looking furry things wrapped around his shoulder and arm.

'What the…? Is that a mokomoko?’ she asked herself, 'He must be a Lord.' The man turned then, and took the step forward that placed him directly in front of her, and he just stared. This gave her a moment to study him. He had the same beautiful gold eyes that Inuyasha had, and the same flowing, silver hair. Some of their facial features were similar as well. This man, though, had two purple stripes on each of his cheeks, and his ears were in the same place as human ears, but they were pointed. She dropped her gaze, and noticed he also had a purple stripe on each of his wrists. His clothing was very lavish, right down to his soft looking shoes, but she still couldn't quite get over the fact he had a tail. Chika glanced at the other two boys, who just stood there watching. Suddenly the man started circling, making her feel very small, as she had noticed he was even taller than Inuyasha. Not by much, but it was a visible difference. He began circling her then, making her feel like a car on a lot or something. Then he did something that made her turn and glare at him. He was standing behind her. He leaned close to her right ear, and inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly, his warm breathe tickling her ear. He looked down at her a moment as he had her full attention, then an ice cold smile slowly made its way across his lips. Chika shuddered unconsciously, that smile sending a chill up her spine. Whether that was a good thing, or a bad thing, she wasn't quite sure at the moment.

Mentally Chika sighed, 'Man, I am standing here, surrounded by what seems to be a half-dog demon, a full-blooded wolf, and a full-blooded dog demon' The gentleman now in front of her suddenly cleared his throat, snapping her back from her thoughts. She now stared into a pair of cold, yet stunning, gold eyes.

"So wench, exactly what are you?" His voice was smooth, even, and completely cold, with just a hint of curiosity. His words reverberated in her mind, 'What are you?' Chika furrowed her brow a moment, and then anger took the place of her confusion.

"What the hell did you ask me? What am I? What the hell do I look like?!" Chika crossed her arms in front of her, and stared boldly at him. Chika tried her best to make sure that noone would know about her inner-demon. Specially a full-blooded dog demon that is right in front of her.

"Obviously, you are quite the idiot, little wench! How dare you speak to the Lord of the Western Lands in such a tone?" His eyes narrowed slightly, and then he spoke again. "Of course, I can be generous. So, until I get the answers I seek, I'll let you live."

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