Chika meet Kaede

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Kagome led Chika to a hut, were she stopped and knocked against the frame of the doorway.

"Come in," an elderly voice answered from behind the straw door. The girls entered the dark interior of the hut. Chika's eyes adjusted almost immediately to the dim light, and she took a quick glance around, noticing the futons in one corner, the cooking fire in the very center and dozens of bunches of dried herbs hanging along the walls. Seated next to the fire pit was an old looking woman dressed in traditional miko clothing, her long, gray hair pulled back into a low ponytail. She was likewise looking over Chika, and then she slowly nodded her head.

"Kagome, child, who is this newcomer?" She glanced at Kagome before turning her gaze back to Chika, giving her a warm smile.

"This is Chika, Kaede. It seems that she also used the well to get here."

"I see," the old woman replied then motioned to Chika with her hand, "Come closer child, so that I may take a good look at ye." Chika complied, coming to stand in front of Kaede. She looked Chika over, taking in the strange clothes she was wearing, her waist-length black hair, her delicate yet strong features, and her ruby red eyes. After a few 'hmmms' and 'ahhhs' and 'uh-huhs', the old woman stared straight into her eyes.

"There is something different about ye, child. I can sense it, but I know not what it is." Chika gave a small sigh, and opened her mouth to speak, when Kaede suddenly cut her off. "I sense two demon auras approaching." She reached for her bow and quiver of arrows, but Kagome laid a hand on her arm, effectively stopping her.

"Um, yeah. I almost forgot," Kagome laughed nervously, "We have some unexpected company this evening." As if on cue, Koga walked through the doorway unannounced, followed closely by a growling Inuyasha. Kaede rolled her eyes at the two, but said nothing.

"You remember Koga, Kaede," she said uncomfortably, watching as Koga bowed deeply to Kaede. The old woman quickly as Sesshomaru him, and then narrowed her eyes.

"As long as your behavior is acceptable, Koga, then you are welcome here," she then turned a slightly agitated gaze on Kagome, "And who be the other demon I sense?" Before Kagome could enlighten her, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo entered the hut, followed closely by a rather put out looking Sesshomaru. He had his arm raised, his forearm covering his nose to block out the smells that he considered offensive.

"Kaede, allow me to introduce Lord Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands." Sesshomaru bowed regally to Kaede, keeping his arm in place.

"Welcome, Lord Sesshomaru. It is an honor to have you as a guest." She bowed to him in return, and then surveyed the group that was now seriously crowding her small living space. She spared a quick glance at Chika then the symbol on her collarbone. Chika notice that Kaede is looking at her, so she look away into the window and covered her symbol. Looking pointedly at Kagome, Kaede decided to send a few of her guests out of the hut if for no other reason than to have room to prepared dinner for them all.

"Kagome, child, why not take Chika to the hot springs? I am sure that the hot water will do her a world of good after such a trying day." She watched as Kagome's face lit with understanding and she darted to the corner where she had tossed her backpack.

"You'll love the hot springs, Chika!" Kagome's cheery ramblings tore her from her thoughts. She glanced at her, and watched as she started pulling towels, clothes, and bathing supplies out of her backpack. All she could do was nod in compliance. Once Kagome was satisfied that she had everything they would need, she motioned to Chika to follow her, grabbing Sango's arm on the way out of the hut.

"You come with us Sango! I think a good bath will do all of us some good." The three girls left the hut, all the men watching as they left. Koga began to follow them, only to have his way blocked by Inuyasha.

"Where do you think you are going, you mangy wolf?” he growled, his hand resting lightly on Tetsusaiga's hilt.

"Well, someone has to protect them, in case of any trouble," a sly grin slowly spread across Koga's lips, "Besides; would never leave my woman unprotected." Inuyasha growled menacingly at him, shoving him against the far wall before anyone had a chance to try and stop them.

"Inuyasha, could ye please refrain from destroying my hut?" Kaede's voice was calm and even, but Inuyasha knew better than to push the old woman's temper. He nodded and released Koga immediately.

"I believe that we should all venture outside for a moment. Fresh air would do us all some good." Sesshomaru remarked even as he made his way out of the hut. Miroku grabbed a handful of Inuyasha's haori, practically dragging him out with him, and Koga casually sauntered out behind them, leaving Kaede with only Shippo to worry about. She glanced over and found that the young kit was rummaging through Kagome's backpack, so she had no need to worry over him at the moment. She sighed heavily and returned to preparing the evening meal.

~~~~~Meanwhile with the boys~~~~~

"You two need to learn some self control, especially if you are going to be with us for any amount of time, Koga," Miroku commented as soon as they were outside and far enough from the hut that Kaede wouldn't hear them.

"I agree with the monk. You both need control, or leashes," Sesshomaru remarked uninterestedly, making himself comfortable at the base of a large tree.

"What do you know about it?" Inuyasha sneered as he spoke, crossing his arms in front of him, feet slightly apart. Miroku brandished his staffed in Inuyasha's face.

"I mean it, Inuyasha. You have to think of the women, and how upset they become when you fight with potential allies.

"Feh! Get that thing out of my face!" he took a swipe at the staff with his claw.

"Well, when Kagome starts using your face to dig holes all over the countryside, I do not wish to hear about it!" Inuyasha thought about this for a moment, and then sighed.

"Alright, Miroku, you win. I'll watch my behavior, for now." He gave Koga a hateful look, and then jumped up into the nearest tree to sulk. Koga snickered, only to find Miroku was now waving the staff in his face.

"That goes for you as well, Koga." He tapped Koga on top of the head with his staff.

"Hey! Why don't you go after Lord Glacier over there?"

"I didn't see him acting like a child!" He gave Koga another tap with his staff and a disapproving look before going off a little farther and finding a spot to sit that he was happy with.

"So, now what do we do?" grumbled Inuyasha from his perch above the rest of them.

"We wait for the women to return from their bath, of course," replied Miroku, a little too gleefully.

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