Recovery and Dancing

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Chika slept for the next three days straight. The rest of the group managed the camp and kept a watchful vigil over her, alert for any change in her condition. Kagome, Sango, and Rin rewet the rag from her head. The men stayed a fair distance back and just observed. All but Shippo, that is. Would fetch whatever Kagome needed and he kept Rin company. On the morning of the fourth day, Chika's eyelids fluttered slowly open only to be met with the harsh light of the morning sun.

"You're awake!" Kagome's cheerful voice was almost too much for Chika to take. Her head protested the sudden noise by sending a sudden pain through her skull. She placed a hand over her eyes and elicited a soft moan.

"Oi, wench, get the hell up! You've been sleeping long enough. You're lucky we didn't just leave you here!" Inuyasha grouched.

"Sit, boy!" Kagome yelled at him, smirking with satisfaction as he became well acquainted with the ground. She knelt down beside Chika.

"How are you feeling?" she asked her.

"Like I was run over by a large truck." Chika said, attempting to push herself into a sitting position. Kagome grabbed her hands and helped her to sit up. After a moment, the pain in her head subsided and she began to feel a little better.

"Here, you need to eat something," Sango said as she pushed a bowl of ramen into Chika's hands. Slowly, she began eating as everyone else went about the day as usual. She finished the bowl and placed it on the ground beside her. Shippo chose that moment to approach her, with Rin in tow.

"Hey Chika, want to color with Rin and me?" he asked. She smiled at the two before answering.

"Sure kids. That sounds like it would be a lot of fun." Shippo sat on her left side, and Rin on her right. Shippo then pulled out a small box of crayons and a coloring book.

"Kagome brought these to me," he said, pride lacing every word. She smiled at him, then proceeded to help them color the pictures in the book. A short while later, Kagome spoke up, grabbing everyones attention.

"Ok, guys. Go hunting and bring us something back to make for dinner. We girls need some private time."

"Feh, private time. Why do you all need so much time to yourselves anyways?" Inuyasha huffed as he stood up.

"I can't leave my woman unprotected. I'll stay here and keep watch." Kouga remarked.

"I don't think so!" Both Kagome and Sango said at the same time.

"Come on, you mangy wolf, let's get going." Inuyasha rounded up Miroku and Kouga, knowing that Sesshoumaru would follow, and headed into the forest. Once they were a ways from the camp, he looked back over his shoulder and motioned for the group to follow him.

"Hey mutt, where are we going?" Kouga asked.

"Just shut up, wolf breath, and you will see." Inuyasha retorted, as he began to make a wide arc around the camp and come back around to the opposite side. Once they were close enough that they could see the camp, he jumped up into the nearest tree, then motioned for the rest of them to do the same. Kouga grabbed Miroku and jumped into the tree beside Inuyasha followed by Sesshoumaru.

"I thought that the Miko wished for us to hunt?" Sesshoumaru more stated then asked.

"Yeah, I know what she wants, and what she said. We have plenty of time to hunt. They do this from time to time, and well, Miroku and I like to watch." Inuyasha snickered as he finished his response.

"What is it exactly that we are going to watch?" Sesshoumaru asked, his interest peaked.

"You will see." Miroku chuckled as he settled himself more firmly into the tree.

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