Who said girls can't fight?

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The bug demon was now at the hot spring water edge, and the girls were at the center of the pool, thinking out their next move.

"We could yell for the guys," Kagome said, eyeing the demon that was keeping them from their weapons and their clothes.

"The guys? Kagome, it is only one small demon. I am sure that we will think of a way out of this." Sango replied, not wanting to draw Miroku there unless they managed to get fully dressed.

"I have an idea. Sango, you head to the left, and Kagome, you go right. I'll try and draw its attention so that you can reach your weapons." Chika said with a bit serious voice.

“You sure you could handle it, Chika.” Sango said. “I’m sure I could handle it.” Chika said. "Ok then, I hopes that this works," Kagome said as she began to swim toward the shore. Chika watched as Sango followed suit, then she turned her attention toward the demon.

"Hey! You ugly bug demon! I stomp things like you into nasty little spots on the ground!" The demon looked straight at her and snarled. 'Well, at least I got its attention.' Chika thought to herself, keeping her gaze directly on her opponent.

Sesshoumaru had closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the tree, when the wind suddenly shifted. It carried the scent of a rather weak demon, and that of the three females who had went off to bathe. Opening his eyes, he noticed that he wasn't the only one who had caught the scents. Inuyasha, Kouga, and even Shippo turned their gazes to him. He nodded at them as he rose to his feet.

"They may be in need of our assistance." He stated plainly. His comment brought Miroku's attention.

"Are the girls in trouble?" He asked, but the demons were already heading toward the hot spring and he raced to catch up.

They quickly reached the edge of the forest surrounding the springs, and took in the sight before them. There was a rather large bug demon at the far side of the pool, and the girls were in the middle of the springs. They watched as Kagome and Sango headed towards opposites shores, leaving Chika still in the middle of the pool. She shouted an insult to the demon, instantly gaining the creatures attention. Inuyasha started to bolt into the open when he was suddenly blocked by Sesshoumaru thrusting his arm in front of him.

"Wait." He said in his flat, cold tone.

"What do you mean wait? They are in trouble." Inuyasha was practically seething at this point.

"Let them handle it. We shall do nothing but watch. If the situation gets too much for them, then we shall step in." Sesshoumaru's tone brooked no argument, and he along with Inuyasha and Kouga stayed concealed in the brush to watch the battle.

Chika silently prayed that she could hold the attention of the creature in front of her long enough for Sango and Kagome to succeed in at least retrieving their weapons, if not their clothing as well. Her companions had reached the shore and were now slowly making their way toward their possessions and the demon from either side. Unfortunately, a small twig snapped as Kagome stepped down on it, and the creature turned to face her. Instantly she froze, not knowing what to do. The demon began to slowly approach her. Chika watched in growing anger, and then quickly dived under the water, reaching the bottom of the springs and grabbing a rather large stone. She broke the surface of the water, rising up out of it nearly half way and giving the rock a fast pitch with as so powerful throw that she learn at home. She smirked in satisfaction as she heard the stone make contact with the back of the demon. Its attention was immediately transferred back to Chika. The creature had moved back to the edge of the water and it took another step, bringing it into the water.

'I wonder if the thing can swim' she wondered to herself. Quickly, she dived back down into the pool, retrieving another stone. Bursting forth from the water, she once again sent the stone flying in the demon's direction, hitting it right between the eyes (It’s a praying mantis, people). It growled in pain, and then hissed at her. The demon seemed to be determined to get at Chika now that she had royally pissed it off. Jumping into the water, it floundered a bit, and then began to slowly make its way towards her. 'If I can keep it in the water, but far enough away from me, then Kagome and Sango should have no problem getting to their clothes and their weapons.' A determined expression on her face, she cautiously swam a bit closer to the demon, then speed back toward the center of the springs, taunting it to follow her. 'I just hope I can keep this up,' she thought as she once again went closer then pulled back. She knew that she was beginning to wear down, so she use all her demon speed and hopefully that her newfound companions hurried.

As he watched from the bushes, Sesshoumaru was amazed to see Chika vanish under the surface of the water only to break it again a moment later, half of her body rising up and out of the water. Her back was to him, so he only saw her auburn tresses clinging to her skin. She had hurled a stone at her opponent, hitting it in the back. It turned back to her and went back to the edge of the pool, then placed one foot into the water. Again she disappeared and resurfaced, repeating the attack once more. The demon seemed to have had enough, and completely entered the water.

He was astonished to see that Chika was such a good swimmer as she taunted the demon, drawing it into the deepest part of the springs without it even realizing what was happening.

'What power does that woman hold to be able to do that?' he asked himself. Shaking his head to clear the thoughts from it, he focused on the other two women. They had made their way out the springs and had been approaching the demon, but now that it was in the water, they seized the opportunity to grab their clothes and dress themselves. They had now regained their weapons and were taking aim. It only took Kagome’s one Sacred Arrow and a hit from Sango's Hiraikotsu to bring it down. Chika looked exhausted, but made her way around the body of the demon to the edge of the pool. She stepped out, her back to still to him, her black hair clinging to her like a second skin, her long legs were pale, but well muscled, as if she doing extremes fight-skills. He growled silently, knowing that his companions were also watching the women, and wondered where the sudden possessiveness her felt was coming from.

Her companions had finally dispatched the demon, and she finally reached the shore, climbing out to stand on solid ground. Kagome handed her clothing to her and smiled.

"We fought a good fight, Chika. We couldn't have done it without you!" Kagome said. Chika smiled back as she slipped into her clothes, leaving the red tank top off for now, and only wearing the  black and red sports bra.

"You were amazing, Chika! I have never seen anyone take on a demon like that!" Sango's voice was full of pride as she complemented Chika.

"Thanks guys! You two were terrific." They both nodded, and Kagome opened her mouth to say something, when they all heard another rustle in the brush. Instinctively, Sango hurled her boomerang at the brush and they all heard a very loud "Oww!” They watched as a rather put out monk tumbled from his hiding place.

"You Hentai!" Sango screamed before attacking him with her boomerang.

"Hey, wait…. Owww…. I'm not the only one!" Miroku fairly screamed as Sango beat him without mercy. She stopped as the meaning of his words sank in, and looked toward the bushes.

"Get out of there, you hentais!" Sango yelled in fury as she readied her boomerang to assault someone else's head.

Inuyasha, Kouga, Shippo, and Sesshoumaru slowly emerged from the underbrush, all with differing degrees of embarrassment in their expressions.

"Just what were you all doing watching us?! You could have at least helped us get rid of that demon!" Kagome was fuming, and Chika stared at them with emotionless look on her face.

"We did not think you needed any assistance." Sesshoumaru stated in his emotionless voice.

"What?!" Kagome yelled.

"Feh! Told you girls can't fight! They just got lucky, is all." Inuyasha crossed his arms in front of him, his nose in the air.

"Sit!" Kagome yelled. "Sit! Sit! Sit!" Soon Inuyasha was in a whole a foot deep that was shaped exactly like him. Chika shook her head and chuckled, while most of the spectators were laughing hysterically. "Next time we are in the situation, you had better come help us!" Kagome then turned her back and began walking away. Sango and Chika followed suit, leaving three stunned demon, a fuming half-demon, and a badly beaten monk to make it back to the village on their own.

As they were walking back down the path toward the village, Chika heard a sound to her right. She swiftly turned her head to look and there by her foot, a small green creature, no taller than her knee had just emerged from the forest.

"What the fuck is that?!" she practically screeched, and not waiting on an answer, she kicked it hard, sending it flying into the nearest tree.

Suddenly, a small girl broke into the path in front of them. She was wearing a yellow kimono with butterflies splayed across it. Her black hair had a small ponytail to one side of her head, and she stood there giving them all a toothy grin.

"Hi! Rin's name is Rin! What's yours?" The girl introduced herself to the three weary and slightly stunned women.

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