Chapter 3: The Note

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After a few hours, Keith gained the courage to read the crumbled up note in his hand. He took one big deep breath and opened the folded piece of paper.

If you want your friends back and not hurt, come to our base.

You know exactly who we are.

That was it. Nice and short.

"I knew it," Keith hissed, crumpling the paper and throwing it on the ground. He ran his fingers threw his hair in frustration and sighed heavily.

"If I want them back, I need to do this," Keith said to himself. He wasn't going to tell Lance, oh no. Lance can kiss his ass. Still, his hurtful words haunted him.

'Did he really mean that?' Keith asked himself. He was confused. He didn't do anything wrong. He treated him with respect and gave him his trust. His love.

"God damnit Keith... get a hold of yourself!!" Keith yelled, hitting his head rapidly. Hurting himself wasn't the answer but he didn't care at the moment. He sighed once again and exited his lion. If he was going to save his friends, he needs to do this alone.

Keith started to walk to his room when he heard footsteps behind him. He knew exactly who it was and he ran, trying to find a place to hide. Luckily, there was a little indent in the wall that he could perfectly slip into. He slipped into the indent and waited for Lance to pass by.

A few minutes later, Lance waked by without even noticing Keith was in the indent. Keith made sure Lance was gone by staying there, just to make sure and he let out a sigh.

Keith slipped out the indent and made a run for him room. Luckily he made it without having another almost encounter with Lance.

Keith entered his room and grabbed a duffle bag. He then started packing up necessary items like water, food, clothing, etc. Keith then started looking for any kind of weapon... just incase.

When Keith was done packing up, he exited his room and started walking to his lion.

"This is a risk... a very big one but I need to find them..." Keith whispered. Then again, he heard Lance's footsteps. He ran to his lion and hid inside of it.

"Keith?! KEITH!! Keith buddy come on out!! We really need to talk!"

"Talk my ass," Keith thought. ' And buddy?! What the hell!!'

"Look! I'm sorry I said that!! It wasn't true.... I swear!! I was just mad.. please come out!! I really want to talk..." he heard Lance say, his words echoing off the walls, but Keith still stayed it his lion. Maybe, he could sneak out while Lance is sleeping... leave him a note or something. Yea.. that would be for the best.

Keith looked around his lion and found a piece of paper and a pencil. His looked at the paper for a bit, thinking what he was going to write. A few minutes later, he found his hand moving across the paper.


I'm going to find the others. As I suspected, they were captured. So I was right. I'm going by myself and I don't want you following me this time. I don't want you to get hurt.

I'll be back before you know it.


When Keith was finished writing, he exited his lion, crumpled the note, and placed it on the floor. If Lance is smart enough, he might pick it up.

"Don't worry guys, I'm coming to save you..." Keith said, sitting down in his chair, waiting for the right time to leave.

Hey guys!! Hoped you liked this chapter. Since school is out today and tomorrow PLUS the weekend, I'm going to be writing more often!!

Please comment, vote, and follow and I'll see you in the next chapter!!

PS- sorry if the chapters are getting shorter... I'm starting to run out of ideas..

Word Count: 658

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