Chapter 9: Sad Ending

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"Rise and shine assholes!" Lucía yelled, banging on the cell. Everyone woke up and started grumbling, giving her a few insults. She turned around and signaled a few guards to come over.

"Go get the food," she hissed, turning back to the group in the cell. Her cold eyes scanned around the cell when she saw Keith and Lance together. Lance avoided all eye contact with her while Keith rubbed circles on his back.

The guards came back a few minutes later with the food. Almost everyone ran up to the door of the cage and begged for the food. Lucía opened the cell door and the guards walked in, handing the food one by one. It was a bit sketchy. They were being nice. Too nice for that fact.

When the guards came up to Keith and Lance, Lance took the food but Keith didn't. He didn't trust it. The guards just placed the container down next to him and gave him a sympathetic look. Both guards then walked out the cell and locked it back up.

"We will start the routine in an hour," Lucía said, watching as the people ate. Some of them started crying while others just ate in silence. She walked out of the room and looked back one more time.

'Soon I will get what I deserve," she thought.Later on, Lucía came back again.

{Many Hours Later...}

"Keith...... Lance... come with me," she said, avoiding the harsh looks and insults her mother was giving her. Both Keith and Lance walked out of the cell, their hands intertwined. Lucía didn't like that so he stepped in between them and smiled innocently.

She brought Keith and Lance to a big dinning area. There was a big table with a lot of food on it. Not just outer space food, but Earth food as well. Lucía took a seat at the very end and gave Lance and Keith a nod, signaling that they could sit.

"Dig in. My guards had to go a long way to prepare this feast," Lucía said, raising up her glass of apple juice to her lips. Lance and Keith looked at each other and nodded. As they ate in silence, Keith was coming up with a plan to escape and hopefully defeat Zarkon.

"...So... how long have you two been... you know... a couple?" Lucía asked, trying not to make anything awkward. Keith and Lance looked at each other with confusion written on their faces.

"Uhh.. well, we dated for..... a few weeks? Yeah, a few weeks and we broke up...." Lance said, whispering the last part.

"And why was that?" Lucía asked, placing her hands underneath her chin and leaning forward.

"That is none of your business," Keith spoke up, pointing his fork at her with his mouth full of food. She smirked and sat back in her chair.

"......why?" Lance asked weakly.

"I beg your pardon?" Lucía asked, raising an eyebrow at her brother.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Lance almost yelled. He looked up at Lucía and she smiled evilly.

"Why? Because you took something away from me... just like you've ALWAYS done," she replied, her voice slightly cracking.

"What have I taken away from you? Huh?! TELL ME DAMN IT!" Lance yelled, standing up and slamming his hands on the table.

"EVERYTHING!!!!" Lucía shrieked, a single tear running down her face.

"Everything," she whimpered, sitting back down. Lance gave his younger sister a death glare while Keith kept stuffing his face with food.

"We are going to find a way out. And when we do, I don't ever want to see your face again," Lance hissed, grabbing Keith's wrist and pulling him out of the room.

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