this is for the peeps who cant see the chap.

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i copied and pasted the whole thing from my other book for macaroni_hoe and FanFictionideas

hou you can see this

this isnt gonna make any telling you

animatic by Galactibun Bun

~Thomas POV~

"Excited to go on a mission?" I asked Alex, as he paced around his room, waiting for the rest of his group to finish getting ready. I spend practically all my free time here. Its like I live here.

Alex's doctor had finally decided that he was clear to go out on a mission. Alex was excited while I was worried for him. I didnt want history to repeat itself.

"Yeah of course! I've been in this place for years now. I'm itching to get outside," Alex exclaimed as James (ham.) walked in.

"Alex c'mon its time to go!" He shouted. "Hey, Thomas. How's it going?"

"Good," I replied and he flashed a grin at me. Alex ran past him and into the hallway, leaving me and James together.

"He's really excited," James said and I just nodded along. Noticing my silence, James said, "Hey, I'm sure he'll be fine. I wont let anything happen to him."

"M'kay," I replied, but I could hear how anxious I was.

He smiled and we walked out to the main room to meet everyone. Eliza and Angelica had work but Peggy had taken the day off. Herc and Laf had gone out of town for the day too.

"How?!" I could hear Peggy scream as she lost anouther round of rock, paper, scissors to Lucy. Laughs filled the room.

"Alright is everyone ready?" Adrienne asked as she threw on a coat. Everyone nodded. Peggy and I grabbed our stuff and walked towards the door to leave. I told Peggy to wait for me as I pulled Alex aside.

"Stay safe ok? I dont want anything bad happening to you," I whispered to him and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Ok Mom," he laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Alex I'm serious."

"Thomas, I know how dangerous it is. You dont have to say it. You talk as if you're my boyfriend again ir something," Alex grinned. My heart dropped. I forgot that we werent actually together yet. We soent ao much time with each other that it seemed that we were a couple. I masked the feeling and laughed along eith him.

"I'm just worried ok?" I replied. He nodded and assured me that he would come back fine.

Eventually, we had to part ways, Alex going on his mission while me and Peggy walked to Starbucks to grab some coffee.

"He's gonna be fine," I kept telling myself.

_______________________ you guys want me to just put in the ending that i have now??cause i think y'all will like it...

tell me if this isnt making sense cause its not making any sense to me. I feel like this is rlly unorganized and hard to understand and im sorry for that. Its just that writing a sequel is different cause i just dont feel that motivated but i rlly wanna end this for you guys so im gonna try and do this.

i dont understnad how y'all like this but ok

love you!!!! get some rest (unlike me) and eat well!!


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