Masters of disaster

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Duncan and i are hesitant of eating the food and we find out beth has a boyfriend and its a huge lie duncan pushes his food into harolds bowl and chris walks in telling us the challabge "the theme is disaster movie theme" we have to goo uo an obstical course called something earth quake we race and i get farther almost falling as he activates the quakes chef throws stuff at us i dodge the stuff and the quakes get worse making Owen puke and now there is lava made outta my fave tomato soup now a fucking hail storm WITH GOLF BALLS i wasbt gonna get hit with one.

I gets wirse and i crawl ti the top then i slip and fall through a crack "KRIS" duncan yells and grabs my hand "dont let go" he shakes his head starting to pull me up almost slipping were still in the lead abd we start running and Owens jaw breaks fron chef chucking a book at him it broke his jaw we lost even though we git to the end owen is rushes ti the hospital.

Now his teams worried about him second challange we sit in a raft im close to duncan and we were put in a submerine i think (idk hiw ti spell i tyoe si fast) water leaks into the ship and we try braking out i can swim but im not strong so if anything goes wrong im doomed after the first seasin ended me and duncan were always together and we were at askate park and i missed my bored landing on the Ramp im broke my left leg in three places it sucked so i haven't been a strong swimmer sense abd duncan kniws that.

Duncan trips harold the water continues to rise abd harold tries getting the combination and duncan puts me in his shoulders it failss and we all fall harold abd duncan fight "like duncan said we can ride the water up" heather gets the hatch open and fire burts outta it i back up "okay" Chris wants ti end the challabge he orders chef to stop yhe watter saying he needs to save us chef makes it read se faster i try holding my head up duncan looks at me and he swims over harold makes a snorkol outta strawi my head goes under water i gasp and duncan holds me "its okay" harold saves us draning the water i shiver after we get out i lay ny head on duncan shoulder we won a trip to British Columbia "no thank you" duncan says ticked off "he hugs me" your an idiot chris we xould have died "he yells and we picked chips and soda i was still cold i looked at my ring i smile.

Full metal gapher pt 1

We notice one stall open and duncan rejects her offer abd he opens it seeing owen using the bathroom.

Todays theme is war i know duncan likes this he talks about how he wabts to be a Marine hot 😊 (its almost twelve deal with spelling errors) were blind folded and we are on a plane were orders to take the blindfolds of and we have to jump outta the plane fuck me.

We form a line i grab duncan sleve having a panic attack im afraid of heights we have to jump without parachutes and we jump guess what we weren't flying imma kill crhis.

Great second challange includes bombs Justin lost his mojo lol duncan sets the hombs off "time fir a little punk rock" i cheer.

We won yes we won a chest of secrets.

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