One flu over the cuckoos pt 2

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Hey guys i hope you like this sorry o broke it up i have a new story out about spiderman

I roll my eyes and i walk off and duncan fallows me we go to a empty like shack and he walks in "hey beautiful" i smile "hey" he looks up seeing a pipe he grabs onto it doing pull ups with his legs crossed i smile watching he stops after 50 and he hops down and kisses me it turns into a makeout session and he pulls my panties off from under my skrit and he pulls his pants down "hop up" he says and i hop up he holds my legs and he walks over to the wall pushing himself into me i loudly moan ad he starts to thrust into me.

Someones pov

I walk around and pass this shack i hear moaning coming from it and i look through a small hole and i see duncan fucking kris i gasp and go to find my group.

Krises pov

We both climax and i hop down putting my panties back on we both leave the shack. 

We know we will be caught soon so we start to head back not wanting to get introuble with chris and i run into the out house duncan jump scares me making ne scream so loud i almost pee myself then i run out "jerk" he laughs and chris makes duncan and heather kiss i get jeolus chef scares them so bad dj passes out we win making me smile the other team has to spend a whole night in a "Haunted" tent if they do they get invisiblelity.

Our team has to scare the shit outta them duncan thinks chain saws i think gutting someone (damn bitch y you so dark)  duncan grabs the fake ghost harold made and kicks him in the balls "you put a hook in my soccer ball" he looks mad "it was all in the name of magic" he says putting a finger up "you have to admit it was guite" he pushes him "zip it harry hooquinie im taking charge now" he makes fake blood we pour it down the wall.

Dj says he don't like scaring people here and that his mama dobt like it "well papa duncan wants to win and go to bed so" we shut the lights off and make ghost boises i hang from a rope and we drive them out duncan helos me down and we win invincibility "YES" i scream smiling.

Dj tries to vote himself off "dude you cant leave" he leaves anyways owen cries (the second chapter im posting after)

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