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Hey guys ive been busy so i want you guys to give me ideas for the next two chapters before the third book i have like 3 more episodes to go before the third book which is going to be called after tda its going to be about their normal lives after tda and how trying to get into college is tough ans normal relationship aspects😂.

Im also requesting help for that so im not so slow at updating so comment on the one you want

1st idea: kristen gets pregnant and chris finds out and trys voting her off the show.

2nd idea: chris is really Kristiens dad and she dose not know until he admits he was perpously trying to make her win.

3rd: chris is duncans dad

4th: duncan dumps Kristien to keep her safe from Courtney

5th: kristen and duncan are cousins

6th: kristen gets pregnant and duncan leaves her they don't reconnect for 2 years.

Leave your answers please vote bye😊

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