Final Chapter

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Were at the final three "ugh its beth chattering again" i smile laying next to duncan "PUT A BLINDFOLD ON IT LOSER" duncan yells then we pass out a think we wake up tied to a wooden pole and i slip out untieing duncan and beth "your either with us or against us" "breakfast" chef actually had real life food and chris starts talking in a pirate accent ivr notice something chris has been trying to make me win hes been messing with the votes i look at duncan "duncan chris has been trying to make me win"he laughs "ehat do you mean by that babe"i sigh"i dont know but i feel that i know him and have seen him before this show nefore i heard about this show"he looks at me rhen looks away "well i dont know what too tell you".

During this challange i see that chris has chef target everyone else but me its like i Said hes trying to make me win i sigh and i look at chris "what are you hiding".

"Thats none of your beez wax kris"he says"i know your hiding something and if u have too ill repirt you"he looks upset"dont please i cant loose the show"i sigh"then tell me what yout hiding.

He dosent say anything hours later all whose left is me duncan and (pick who you want)  duncan gets elimunated i kiss him before he goes after the last challange i win by mistake and i win the 1 million again this time its not as cool now that i know he made me win perilously.

I sigh it kind of sucks a few weeks later i find out what he was hiding chris mclean is my father o asked my mom who my dad was and she pulled out a box of photos of her an a man.....that man.....was my father and my father is Chris McLean.

I have to tell duncan

(Hi guys Im sorry it was quick i had writers block but ill makes it up to yiu guys and do a bonus chapter like i did in book 1. So i was wondering if you would like a third book i wqnt to make one called after tdi talkes about their life after tdi and living a"normal" life see how amd what duncan and kris are up to)

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