Top dog

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The night duncan was voted off.

I was holding duncans hand as the votes came in i was called two others were called then It happend "sorry duncan your off" my heart drops "baby i promise your still my one and only he says kissing me he looks at me"marry me " he says i gasp" duncan "i smile and he gets down on one knee" don't make me sing "i laugh" yes " and that was it he gave me a kiss and left. (SIKE MY BABY AINT GONE YET FUCK THAT HES MY BABY DADDY)

"Last time on tda a suprise package from the outside world promised big things for beth and the cast got a taste of life in 0 gravity i open my box i gasp i find my first teddy my lucky teddy my baby Benjamin

I wake up and owen is flipping out "baby where were you last night" i ask "owens snoring kept me up then the girls were fighting so i slept outside on a rock in....the woods" he says i see bags under his eyes and chris wakes him up i get out of bed and put a sweater on duncan walks up to me "hey baby" i smile scooting to the side owen starts choking and bridget gives him the abdominal thrust.

The challenge is human and animal bonding i laugh "i already got one here" i say pointing to duncan and he growls playfully "i took the bunny it jumps in my lap and i laugh as it rolls around" whos the cutest bunny ever " its a black and white one" okay if you obey you get a treat "i smile" come here "i say and it runs over i give it a carrot then it grabs a pencil and draws Chris i deed it again" ten "duncans comilian makes its hair green" winners are beth and kris " wr are drive in to the woods and we have to walk we start walking and i look at Duncan" bunnies are smart i trained her to find her way back fallow her "he shakes his head" okay fine we will test your lizard out we end up falling into a hole we get stuck in their for about three hours and duncan starts shaking in fear "come on duncan start climbing" je looks as me as i made a ladder and we climb up we swing in om vines i laugh as he hits beth with a rock.

And we found out that owen sabotaged us all and dun can spits poison darts at beth and i kiss him he snaps out of his insanity.

"Beth is safe from ilimination"

"Beth duncan" he says i smile "owen amd Courtney sorry but not sorry"

A punk romance Duncan FanfictionTDA) Where stories live. Discover now